This columnist has it right.
People will mock what they don't understand and count on those never to hold it against them. Their courage is incredibly lacking when they should take a stand against something everyone should abhor.
Turn the other cheek indeed.
Great article!! This says it all:
"While the ABC refused to show the Danish cartoons of Mohammed, for fear of God knows what mayhem, it had no such fear this week of mocking Jesus, whose crucifixion is remembered today."
Jesus--the last acceptable whipping boy.
I know one thing, the world would miss the Christians if we were gone. That much I do know. In the moments when all hope seems lost, these nay-sayers will cry out for Christians to help them.
They obviously don't know who His Father is.
You know my father?(Michael Corleone voice) Men are coming here to kill him...
Ah, Vito, I remember him well...
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