Thursday, October 01, 2009


Since Mao Tse Tung took over China sixty years ago, people have died in famines, been killed outright, arrested, tortured, persecuted for their religion and censored. There have also been forced abortions, infanticide and organ harvesting. China has made North Korea its vassal state and North Korean refugees returned to death squads. Tibet remains under the thumb of an ethnically, linguistically and politically different power. The economic rise of China has come at a great cost to its own people and met with indifference from the West.

While Mao is rotting in hell, what will become of China, an international human rights disaster?

China Quick Facts: in 2006, the average Chinese worker was paid fifty-seven cents an hour. That wage, according to some sources, increased only slightly.

A study done in 2005 found that only fifteen percent of the unskilled labourers interviewed had an educated beyond the mandated nine years.

According to Chinese statistics, 11.4 workers die for every 100,000 on the job. In the US, only 3.7 fatal injuries per 100,000 were recorded.

By the time of Mao Tse Tung's death, over seventy million people had died.

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