Thursday, May 20, 2010

Emotional Blackmail

...thy name is Michelle Obama:

First Lady Michelle Obama fielded an unexpected question on US immigration policy during a visit to an elementary school Wednesday, when a little girl asked what was in store for her mother as an illegal immigrant.

The awkward moment came as presidents Barack Obama and Felipe Calderon of Mexico were meeting at the White House and first ladies Michelle Obama and Margarita Zavala were visiting an elementary school in Silver Spring, a Washington suburb in Maryland.

During a question-and-answer meeting with students, a shy little girl raised her hand and said: "My mom says that Barack Obama is taking every body away that doesn't have papers."

"That's something that we have to work on to make sure that people can be here with the right kind of papers," answered the US first lady.

"But my mom doesn't have any papers," the girl added.

"But we have to work on that, we have to fix that, in that everybody's got to work together in Congress to make sure that happens," Michelle Obama said reassuringly.

Five will get you ten this cherry-picked tear-jerking article will be splayed all over the media and cries of "Think of the children!" will be heard from the least-informed liberal.

When will we hear from the child of a legal immigrant or the exploited or abused worker (and the exploited foreign worker in Mexico)? How about the legal immigrant himself?


What is common to all these disillusionments — the intolerance and dishonesty of environmental extremism, the European Union crackup, and Barack Obama’s renewal of Jimmy Carter’s failed foreign policy? They all can be traced to a global Western elite that in its intellectual arrogance confused late-20th-century technological progress with a supposed evolution in human nature itself. Heaven on earth was to be ushered in by those who deemed themselves so wise and so moral that they could remake civilization in their own image — even if that sometimes meant the end of disinterested research, basic arithmetic, and simple common sense.

Read the whole thing.

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