Monday, August 20, 2012

A Dog's Life

It certainly is.

What does one expect from a rally that supports a mad, theocratic dictatorship Obama promised to meet without pre-conditions?

Poor, tail-wagging sweetheart (at the 1:02 mark).

Shocked Cat just cannot believe it.

Dogs are man's best friend for a reason. I do not write this elevate any animal over a human being but it's quite sick to punish a dog owner and abuse his dog because a vile pedophile from the seventh century had a problem with the more canine of the infidel population.

The real issue, however, is not the abuse and irrational hatred of dogs but how the police have become eunuchs to the Caledonia bunch, to the Occupests (TM- BCF) and now to those who identify with the Khomeinist regime of Iran. It should not matter what flag the dog owner had, what kind of dog or why he was walking his dog in a public park. These are incidental to the ineffectiveness and politicization of the police which one can see is in full swing.

How far are we from a failed Islamist state, anyway?

Kitties stand with Israel AND persecuted dogs.

Related: this is like this and just as unintentionally hilarious.

From the hostess with the mostest:

Saw this at Mark Shea's blog. I'd never heard of "Manning's Corollary to Godwin's" before, although I'm glad it has a name:

In any online conversation about an incident of violence perpetrated by adherents of Islamic fundamentalism, the conversation will inevitably devolve into claims that Christians commit the same type and degree of violent acts, regardless of how demonstrably false that is; further, the claim will be made that past historical violence involving Christians means that present-day Christians are morally incapable of denouncing current violence involving Muslims.

I could go on and on how Lutherans never flew airplanes into the sides of buildings and et cetera but instead I will issue an open challenge.


Apologists of all stripes, provide- with evidence- credible and relevant incidences, similarities and examples of Christendom's (or just the post-modern West's, if you're pressed for time) violence and fundamentalism. Please indulge the less believing.
Thanking you in advance.   

But... but the left are so peaceful......

First, Chomsky is an absolutely shameless liar. A master of the argument in bad faith. He will say anything in order to get people to believe him. Even worse, he will say anything in order to shut people up who disagree with him. And I’m not necessarily talking about his public critics. If you've ever seen how he acts with ordinary students who question what he says, it's quite horrifying. He simply abuses them in a manner I can only describe as sadistic. That is, he clearly enjoys doing it. I don't think anyone ought to be allowed to get away with that kind of behavior.

Second, Chomsky is immensely important to the radical left. When it comes to American foreign policy he isn't just influential, he's basically all they have. Almost any argument made about foreign affairs by the radical left can be traced back to him. That wasn't the case when he started out back in the late '60s, but it is now.

Third, he is essentially the last totalitarian. Despite his claims otherwise, he's more or less the last survivor of a group of intellectuals who thought systemic political violence and totalitarian control were essentially good things. He babbles about human rights all the time, but when you look at the regimes and groups he's supported, it’s a very bloody list indeed.

Where have we seen this before?

My brother's keeper needs to provide me cash and a vote:

In fact, as D’Souza points out, George’s actual brother is “a multimillionaire and the most powerful man in the world” who talks repeatedly about our obligation to be our brother’s keeper:
Yet he has not contributed a penny to help his own brother. And evidently George does not believe, even in times of emergency, that he can turn to his brother in the White House for help.
So much for spreading the wealth around.

And now from North Korea: how the Kim dynasty survivesa true apartheid system, there's fear in their eyes, and this:

Finally, there has been a lot of loose talk suggesting that “reform” implies some sort of political change. To the contrary, economic reforms or improvements are designed to consolidate power and forestall political change, not lead it. One need look no farther than the DPRK’s northern neighbor to understand that dynamic.

I've heard that talk about China and now North Korea. I have yet to see it. Romanticise communism all you want. It won't go away until it's uprooted and destroyed, not propped with cheap goods and industrial espionage.


And now, a Curious George breakfast is an important part of the day.

(with thanks to all)


Anonymous said...

Maybe next year we need to turn Queen's Park into "Dog Park."

Just find out when and where, and invite every dog owner you know for a walk in the park.

~Your Brother~

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

Believe it or not, that is actually in the works.

An atheist, an agnostic and a dyslexic sat up at night and wondered if there really was a dog.

And there is.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to bring treats for the dogs, such as pig ears.

~Your Brother~

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

They taste infidel-icious.