Friday, July 05, 2019

Justin Is Taking Crazy Pills

No, really:

“Our approach of highlighting around the world the concerns that people have with the arbitrary detention of two Canadians by China is working,” said @JustinTrudeau. Yesterday, China warned Canada not to be ‘naive’ in thinking allies can help fix dispute”

This warning:

Geng Shuang, a spokesman for China’s foreign ministry, twice derided Canada for relying on a “so-called” ally and said China would allow no interference in its affairs.


“Our allies know it is now time to come together to support the values that we share, the rule of law as well. We’ll continue to work with our allies to demonstrate to our Chinese partners that we will remain firm, steadfast and will continue to defend the rule of law and Canadians’ safety.”

Justin got the Americans, the "ally" he thinks he can supplant with China, to do the fighting for him.  Neither Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor have been released. The Chinese government is still ignoring the Trudeau government.

He isn't simply campaigning. He truly believes his own hype.


Osaka was a humiliation for our prime minister. Forced by the unhappiness of China following Canada in the G20 alphabetical ordering, Justin Trudeau was forced to sit beside Xi Jinping. A picture of fashionable impotence, Trudeau merited not a sideways glance from Xi, whose regime has refused all contact with senior Canadian officials in retaliatory punishment for Canada having an independent judiciary in the matter Meng Wanzhou.

Trudeau’s team was forced to play-up a brief handshake and night-vision video of the two talking, and Canada insisted that Trudeau used his 90 seconds to raise the matters of the Canadians held in unlawful detention. Like an excruciating blow upon an embarrassing bruise, Trudeau was forced to rely upon Donald Trump to carry water for him. Trump had promised to raise the issue of the detained Canadians during the bilateral meeting. Whether he did or not is unknown but seems unlikely.

The prime minister ought not to take it personally. True enough, he has been grovelling before Beijing for years, even before his premiership began in 2015, and perhaps he thought that an exemplary record of abasement would be rewarded. That is to get the Chinese regime wrong. Increasingly under President Xi, the humiliation of rivals, to say nothing of enemies, is not to achieve some strategic objective, but is an end in itself. China humiliates those it can because it can, a demonstration both of power and a willingness to use it.
Read the whole thing.

And - if the police and the universities are letting this fly under the radar, what the Americans think and want is beside the point:

American authorities are seeking to extradite a retired McGill University engineering professor on charges that he conspired to illegally send U.S.-made computer chips to China, possibly for military use.

The prosecution of Ishiang Shih brings the West’s intellectual-property dispute with Beijing to the heart of Canadian academia, with suggestions a Chinese company that employed Shih planned to make circuits for “missile-tip guidance.”

This sort of thing has been going on for years.

And Justin's lunacy isn't restricted to one area of politicking:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is defending the federal system for appointing judges after revelations several in New Brunswick have personal connections to Liberal cabinet minister Dominic LeBlanc.
Media reports this week stated five of the last six federally appointed judges in New Brunswick have ties to LeBlanc, who is Trudeau’s minister of intergovernmental and northern affairs.

One is LeBlanc’s neighbour, according to the CBC, while a second is a relative by marriage and three helped him pay off debt he accumulated during his unsuccessful run for the Liberal party leadership in 2008.

A complaint has since been filed to the ethics commissioner by watchdog Democracy Watch, which is asking for the government to suspend further appointments until an investigation is concluded.

It's one thing to stretch credulity where things may be plausible but where five judges out of six have ties to his minister? That's just stupid.

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