Tuesday, June 23, 2020

"Free Meng Wanzhou!" Cry Washed-Up Members of the Chattering Class

This Allan Rock and this Louise Arbour:

The Canadian government has the legal authority to set Chinese telecommunications executive Meng Wanzhou free immediately, and is wrongly claiming otherwise after being embarrassed over revelations of political interference in the prosecution of SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. last year, a former Liberal justice minister and a former Supreme Court judge say.

The result is that two Canadians’ liberty, health and perhaps their lives are at risk in China, without Canada debating the legitimate option of relenting to Chinese pressure and freeing Ms. Meng, Allan Rock and Louise Arbour say.

Canada needs “a full debate based on a legitimate foundation of facts, rather than an incantation of rubrics, like ‘rule of law’ and the ‘independence of the courts’ and the ‘sanctity of the judiciary,‘” Mr. Rock, who was justice minister and attorney-general from 1993 to 1997, said in an interview.

And why would we want to do that?

Why would we want to send the message that a Canadian can commit a crime in the US and then flee back to Canada to avoid prosecution?

Why would we want to sour relations with the US even further?

Why would we allow China, a communist country that does not recognise the "independence of the courts" or "rule of law" as Mr. Rock has made a point to highlight, to directly or indirectly determine the course of justice in this country?

Why would anyone send up flares to every other country that all Canadians can be held as hostages until X action is taken? What ransom won't be paid (because what Rock and Arbour are suggesting is tantamount to paying a ransom to a communist dictatorship)?

If I didn't know any better, I might suggest that Mr. Rock and Miss Arbour wanted to acquiesce to China. Sure, it would invite further hostage-taking and Chinese interference in what are ostensibly independent bodies and it certainly would drive a wedge between Canada and the US but, hey! Allan Rock and Louise Arbour said something, right?

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