Saturday, February 20, 2021

Why Would She Think That?

 Was it the lowering of the age of consent for sexual activity to sixteen?

Was it the vociferous objection to mandatory minimum sentences for those who commit sexual crimes against children (indeed, the penalties for sex crimes are pretty light).

Was it the convicted child pornographer's association with a former Ontario Liberal premier?

Was the inordinate amount of creeps related to the Liberal Party?

Who knows?:

A Conservative MP accused Liberals of wanting to “normalize sexual activity with children” during a Zoom meeting with a university student group, according to a recording of the call released Friday.

Ontario MP Cheryl Gallant made the allegations, which the Liberals described as a promotion of “deranged conspiracy theories,” during a virtual meeting earlier this month with the Queen’s University Conservative Association.

Video recordings of the call, which were posted Friday afternoon by Liberal MP Jennifer O’Connell, showed Gallant accusing all but of a handful of Liberals of being “radicals” who want “all illicit drugs to be legal.”

(Sidebar: yes, about that ...)

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