Sunday, July 03, 2022

What Did You Do This Week-End?

They're back!:

Celebrations were held Friday for Canada Day in the nation’s capital after two years that saw Canadians marking the country’s birthday at home, or virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tensions were high amid a significant police presence as thousands gathered in the streets of downtown Ottawa where residents continue to grapple with what police have acknowledged is “lingering trauma” from the convoy blockade earlier this year.


Oh, this little thing?:

The contrast between Stephen Harper’s last Canada Day while in office and Justin Trudeau’s modern travesty couldn’t be starker.

Canada Day: 2015 vs 2022
Canada Day: 2015 vs 2022

In 2015, Stephen Harper’s government pulled out all the stops to ensure Canada Day 2015 would remain a cherished memory for those who attended. ...

Following the procession, the RCMP stood at attention, saluted, and fired cannons to celebrate the nation. Finally, the national anthem was sung, with Harper’s family singing alongside thousands of Canadians. ...

However, this year, Canadians are having a different sort of Canada Day. 

Indeed, far fewer are on Parliament Hill, with the City of Ottawa installing a police checkpoint at the entrance and leaving the majority on the street to view their Parliament from afar.

Moreover, the RCMP appears to have been absent most of the day, being seen briefly around Parliament and while escorting Trudeau. They haven’t adorned their bright red uniforms either.



The police, of course, were there to be Justin's official wet noodles:


Ottawa Police just fined a protester $1,130 for writing “FREE TAMARA” in chalk


(Sidebar: remember - Tamara Lich is dangerous but an alleged sex offender who stabs two women days after being released is not. Because the law.)


Despite the family picnic at Strathcona Park being cancelled, lots of freedom fighters are still gathering. There’s lots of PPC signs and a[n] ice cream truck!”


Ice cream trucks are the new bouncy castles.

Justin didn't want to acknowledge that the protesters were there but that sort of thing got him into trouble the last time:

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family have reportedly fled their home in Ottawa for “a secret location,” as thousands of truckers traveling in a “freedom convoy” to protest vaccine mandates made their way to its capital city. ...

Trudeau characterized the convoy as a “small fringe minority” and said they held “unacceptable views” in the days leading up to Ottawa’s Saturday protest.

He took the time to demonise them, of course, but behind his private guard.

The Europeans have him right a hypocrite through and through:

The world needs more Romanians.


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