Tuesday, October 11, 2022

It Was Never About A Virus


Internal Privy Council polling shows most Canadians are weary of federal pandemic management. “Several felt the federal approach at present lacked direction,” cabinet was told: “More participants felt the federal government was performing worse.”

The Oct. 5 virtual roundtable, held by Citizens’ Hearing: Examining Canada’s Covid Response, featured Dr. Richard Schabas, former chief medical officer of health in Ontario; Dr. Chris Milburn, former head of ER for the Eastern Zone of the Nova Scotia Health Authority; and Dr. Eric Payne, a pediatric neurologist and researcher who practises in Alberta.
Both Milburn and Payne have faced repercussions for questioning COVID-19 restrictions and mandatory vaccination policy.
Milburn was fired as head of emergency medicine in June 2021 after criticizing his province’s vaccination and pandemic response measures. Speaking about the impacts within the medical system, he told the panelists that the measures accelerated the gradual erosion “doctors’ independence” in the way they treat their patients that began 20-30 years ago.
I’ve had the college suggest to me in very clear terms that I should probably shut up,” he said, referring to the regulatory college for medical doctors.
“My take on it is that medicare was doomed to be a failure because it gives centralized control to bureaucrats who do not understand how medicine works at the coalface—they don’t understand how doctors actually interact with patients, they can’t adjust to unique community needs,” Milburn said.
“That system can’t self-correct and self-adjust because you have this big government bureaucracy in the middle of all of it making all of the decisions, and making really bad decisions over and over again.”

(Sidebar: quite. Don't even think of suggesting that we train our own medical professionals in this country, instead relying on the fantasy that we can just import them en masse.)

Milburn pointed to the directives and guidelines issued by provincial Colleges of Physician and Surgeons or chief medical officers during the pandemic, saying people became increasingly reliant on following those who are deemed “experts.”
“We call the medical officer of health ‘the top doctor,’ which is really funny to me, because they’re generally people who’ve maybe not done well in clinical care and maybe don’t interact that well with patients on an individual level, so they end up in this job,” he said.
“It was doctors working on the front lines who’ve made decisions and looked after patients, but suddenly these people got elevated to godlike status and they told us all exactly what we had to do,” he added. “We had to vaccinate our patients, we had to put them in masks, we had to tell them to stay home. We had to tell them they were bad people unless they did all that. And most of us just fell in line.”


As BC Ambulance Service experiences one of its worst staffing shortages in recent history, unvaccinated paramedics say they want to get back to work.

But the Ambulance Paramedics of British Columbia – the union organization representing more than 4,400 paramedics and emergency dispatchers in the province – doesn't believe that will solve its staffing problems.

"It's the worst we've ever seen it and it seems to be not getting better," said Troy Clifford, the union's president.

He said staffing issues have been an problem for years, but have worsened amid the opioid crisis. He fears the service may not survive unless the critical staff shortage and burnout among staff are immediately addressed.


Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus faces an internal Police Act charge for conducting “unauthorized” investigations into the sudden deaths of nine infants where she sought to know the vaccine status of the mothers.

SHOCKER: Official CDC VAERS data confirms serious side effects and deaths of breastfed infants whose mothers received the COVID-19 vaccine

SHOCKER: Study proves mRNA vax in mothers’ breast milk. Vaccine manufacturers said this wouldn’t happen.



Why should the public trust the medical community after shilling for pharmaceutical companies whose drugs don't work at best and whose governments locked down entire economies under penalty of arrest and property seizure?:

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) wants doctors to treat patients who are resistant to the Covid-19 vaccine with medication and psychotherapy.

A revised version of the CPSO’s website discusses managing “anxieties related to” the Covid-19 shot. 

“It is also important that physicians work with their patients to manage anxieties related to the vaccine and not enable avoidance behavior,” wrote the CPSO. 

“For example, for extreme fear of needles (trypanophobia) or other cases of serious concern, responsible use of prescription medications and/or referral to psychotherapy may be available options,” it continued.


Drug them!

That will get their trust back!


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