Thursday, September 28, 2023

It's Deflection Time

Justin needs this Nazi debacle to go away fast.

He even faked an apology to do it.

But he isn't the only one playing this deflection game:

Canada could revisit calls to declassify documents about the presence of Nazi war criminals in the country, Immigration Minister Marc Miller said Wednesday, as the fallout continued over Parliament’s recognition last week of a man who fought for the Nazis.

But the problem at the moment isn't old records but the government Miller serves, the one that demonises anyone who opposes it, the one that censors, the one that wastes, and certainly the one that rose to its feet and applauded an actual Nazi who has no business being in Canada and certainly doesn't deserve to be lauded in the House of Commons, the halls of which have seen the passage of some very autocratic bills.

No, Marc, you and your totalitarian buddies can wear this.

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