Thursday, December 17, 2009


An Alberta court ruled that failure to adapt to Canadian culture is no excuse for wife-beating.

The Alberta Court of Appeal said in a decision released on Tuesday that Kibrom Gebreweldi Teclesenbet, who had moved from Sudan five days before the assault, cannot claim he had not yet adjusted to Canadian standards. The judges quashed a conditional discharge and replaced it with a 30-day jail sentence. "To suggest it might be acceptable to beat one's wife with a stick elsewhere does not mitigate the seriousness of the offence," they wrote.

Up your nose, cultural relativism!


Duncan Idaho said...

Where I grew up, if you beat your wife, you will be assured a visit by her male kinfolks, often armed.

I was asked to be in this type of group once. I was 16 at athe time.

The uncles loaned me an Enfield pistol in .38 caliber. That gun was heavy when you have to tuck it in your belt with the remaining 110 pounds of you acting as a counterweight.

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

I don't know what's worse: the emotional retards who think this is a perfectly rational way to act or the emotional retards who allow it to happen because it's "multicultural".