Thursday, December 03, 2009

Reasons Why Burkas Should Be Banned and Education Promoted

A suicide bomber, disguised as a woman, kills twenty-two people.

From the article:

A male suicide bomber dressed as a woman attacked a graduation ceremony
Thursday in a small part of the capital still under government control, killing
22 people, including three Cabinet ministers, doctors and medical students.

The attack was a severe blow to a country long battered by war and
underscored the government's tenuous hold even on its small area of Mogadishu.
African Union peacekeeping troops protecting the government wage near daily
battles with Islamic militants who hold much of central and southern Somalia and
act so brazenly in the capital that they carry out public executions.

"What happened today is a national disaster," said Somali
Information Minister Dahir Mohamud Gelle, who confirmed that the ministers for
education, higher education and health were killed in the blast. The ministers
for sports and tourism were wounded in the attack inside the Shamo Hotel, he

The assailants hit one of Somalia's most important efforts to
extricate itself from anarchy and violence, explaining the presence of so many
top government officials. The former medical students among the graduates came
from only the second class to receive diplomas from the medical school.

The first class graduated a year ago. Before then, almost two
decades had passed since anyone earned a medical degree in Somalia. In the
December 2008 ceremony, held at the same hotel, the graduates proudly hoisted
diplomas into the air. This year, there was mayhem as the bomb went off among 43 graduates, their families and officials who were sitting on plastic chairs
facing a small stage, leaving the dead and wounded in bloody heaps.

More than 40 people were wounded. Students and doctors were among
the dead.

Burkas not only serve as coverings for women but as clever disguises for emotional retards who attack and kill those who strive for higher things in life.


steve said...

Thought I'd stop by and check out some of the stuff you have here. You know we'd 'offend' our Muslim 'friends' if burkas are banned...I mean come on; how would they hide bombs strapped to themselves without all that covering? Makes me sick how our society, heck, every society is at risk because no one makes a stand against these weasels.

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

I don't know how burkas benefit Canadian society. I'm not sure anyone is willing to explain how, either.

TSBeing said...

Honestly I don't think they do.

But at the same time I think It's taking a step too far to tell someone what they can and cannot wear. Sometimes if I'm working outside in the winter I wear a balaclava. It makes me look like an IRA terrorist but it is, at the end of the day my choice.

I wouldnt expect a bank to let me in though, but thats the banks policy, not the governments.

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

If you looked at the Middle East in the Sixties and Seventies, you would see women uncovered. It is the Islamic fundamentalist push for this insane practice that we are witnessing now. How can something that was being phased out thirty-forty years ago now re-emerge? It is due to a backward tribal practice that serves only to isolate women from their own culture and others.
That, and it's really impractical.