Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Molehill II

(Look at the love in the angry little fascist's face to the left. One can really tell she supports the freedom for one to say what one likes.)

Ann Coulter's speech in Ottawa was cancelled by an untidy little group of fascists- I mean- university students with nothing better to do. I will not hide my disgust.

From the article:

After protesters at the University of Ottawa prevented Ann Coulter from giving a speech on Tuesday night, the American conservative writer said it proved the point she came to make — free speech in Canada leaves much to be desired.

Yes, I suppose it does.

Ezra Levant (RE: awesome) has his say:

Mr. Levant laid the blame squarely on Mr. Houle. “A fish rots from the head down,” he said. “Francois Houle got his wish. He telegraphed to the community that the University of Ottawa is not a place for free debate.” Houle could not be reached for comment on Tuesday night. Levant said the spectacle showed “just how eroded our Canadian values of free speech have become” — especially on university campuses. “I think this has turned into a teaching moment for the entire country, a reminder that freedom of speech is a Canadian value,” he said.

I think Mr. Levant, as awesome as he is, gives far too much credit to public school educated noise-makers. If Miss Coulter was allowed to speak plainly about airport security, international unity or even ginger snaps, the audience might well have been swayed (you have no idea how powerful ginger snaps can be). A rent-a-crowd cannot allow their unsubstantiated ravings be undercut by reason.

Examples from the article (emphasis mine):

Rita Valeriano was one of several protesters inside the hall who, with chants of “Coulter go home!” shouted down the International Free Press Society of Canada organizer who was addressing the crowd.

Ms. Valeriano, a 19-year-old sociology and women’s studies student, said later that she was happy Ms. Coulter was unable to speak the “hatred” she had planned to.

“On campus, we promise our students a safe and positive space,” she said. “And that’s not what (Coulter) brings.”

Outside the hall, Sameena Topan, 26, a conflict studies and human rights major at the U of O, spoke to the Citizen on behalf of a group of protesters.
“We have a large group of students that can very clearly outline the difference between discourse and discrimination,” Ms. Topan said of the protest. “We wanted to mobilize and make sure that’s clear on campus, that there’s a line between controversy and discrimination, and Ann Coulter has crossed it. Numerous times.”

I would like this proven. What was the matter on which Miss Coulter was supposed to speak? What words were particularly offensive? How would an adult be offended or in danger? Is like Israel Apartheid Week or when Netanyahu was supposed to visit Concordia University?

And the crowning achievement:

"I think that’s great. I think we accomplished what we were here to do, to ensure that we don’t have her discriminatory rhetoric on our campus,” she said.

No, you've disadvantaged people who paid to see her, not Miss Coulter herself. You see- she is a clever and capable woman who has made scads of cash selling her books. She might walk away but she is still paid, vindicated and will continue being so. The unfortunate people who made their way to see Miss Coulter only to be disappointed should form a class action suit against the university- naming the brownshirts responsible for shutting down her talk- and get their money back.

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