Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The True North

Nunavut vows to ban EU booze in dispute over sealing


As much as I loathe a cart blanche to hunt simply because one's ancestors came over the Bering Strait, I loathe white liberal ignorance and arrogance even more. In this case, Euro-arrogance. For the Inuit, the seal hunt is a matter of sustenance. Urban dwellers have the convenience of purchasing their meat processed and wrapped; the Inuit do not. They have been hunting seals for centuries. For squeamish Europeans to cast judgment on a people a few (if any) have met smacks of the kind of prejudice one thought we did away with years ago. Did anyone in the EU ask an Inuit hunter what his perspective on the seal hunt was? Did it not occur to anyone that for many people, hunting a way of life or that the hunting of seal pups is banned or that seals consume vital fish stocks?

Perhaps it is best never to let facts get in the way of what appears to be a cuddly animal.


Anonymous said...

They wouldn't think seals were so cute if they saw this:

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

Oh the humanity!

Anonymous said...

It stuns me how people can be so daft. We know these people are fuelled by the level of cuteness a particular animal has. Haven't they ever seen the film "Babe"? And they still eat pork after that!

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

Aren't adults supposed to be more aware of their surroundings? Aren't they supposed to mentally deal with the uglier aspects of food production?
I see the Inuit/Canada as a soft target, even a deflection. It is better to point the finger at one person or group of people than oneself.