Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Mid-Week Post

Your back-to-school snack pack ...


Speaking of back to school:

“I’m exhausted, devastated, furious, frustrated, scared, anxious, sad and so many, many more things all at once,” Macdonald posted on her Facebook page, with other staff reacting in agreement.

Macdonald wrote the school has done its best to follow Alberta Health Services guidelines, but staff and students still feel afraid after the positive COVID case. She specifically blames Premier Jason Kenney and Alberta Education Minister Adriana LaGrange for a lack of support.

“I feel a very heavy load and I’ve never been more angry. This could have been avoided with the support of the government . . . this is not my fault. This is your fault Jason (Kenney). This is your fault Adriana (LaGrange).”


Oh, would you like to trade places with nurses, doctors or store-workers, O Ye Who Is Paid Much Yet Tires Easily?  You know - people who can't take time off and still get paid for it.

Infections don't happen on the first day of school. Seeing as this virus isn't going anywhere because your beloved Liberals are hugely incompetent and corrupt, you might as well get used to any infection cropping up and deal with it as medical staff and store-workers with families have been forced to.


"Hello, this is Seattle Public Schools. We hope your child was able to experience the great support of our educators and school leaders prepared for the first day of school. Today we had some technology challenges. Our technology department is launching a solution this evening. In order to correct these issues, you will need to help your child restart their district provided device over the weekend. Please follow these steps…"

That robo-call was made to all parents in the Seattle public school system. With the entire spring and summer to prepare for online learning, Seattle Public Schools (SPS) "Strong Start" program illustrated the weakness in the online learning system the first week of school. It wasn't because of unforeseen issues but rather unpreparedness.

One parent posted on an SPS Thread about the first Day of Strong Start: "Please bring back our children to Zoom!!!PLEASE!!!!!We can't even access to their district emails, laptops is not even connecting with our home internet, our kids they can't figure it out Teams by themselves without an adult help. As parents we need to work, We need to earn money for our living, but on the first day of remote learning this is not a 'STRONG START' it's a 'STRONG FAILURE' for our children and to our school staffs coz they don’t have a choice they need to follow what's the district wants."

Parents reported that the school mandated that children use "district provided" devices rather than home computers. While there were many programs pre-loaded onto the devices, the district forgot to install the program Microsoft Meetings/Teams that was to be the basis for the classrooms. As a result, the first week of school was a loss for many students.

"After 6 months to plan, that was the 1st day? Really? Seems there is barely a game plan. Hugely disappointed," another parents posted on the SPS Thread.


And - parental rights are a thing, Quebec

Allowing every child in Quebec to learn over the internet during the pandemic is not in the public's interest, a Superior Court judge ruled Tuesday.

The judge, Frédéric Bachand, dismissed an emergency request from parents who wanted their children to access distance-learning resources, even though they hadn't received the necessary medical exemption.

Unlike in some other provinces, such as Ontario, school attendance is mandatory in Quebec unless parents have obtained a note from a doctor.

The criteria set out by the government for an exemption are narrow and only a small number of students have qualified for them so far, according to school authorities. 

Only children who receive a medical exemption, or are subject to isolation orders, are allowed to be taught online.



I'll have "Fleeing to a non-extradition country" for $100, Alex:

WE Charity says it is closing its Canadian operations, blaming COVID-19 and the political fallout from the Liberal government's plan to have it run a multimillion-dollar student-volunteer program for leaving it in financial ruin.

Craig and Marc Kielburger, who are also planning to step down from the organization they co-founded, released an open letter Wednesday explaining the move.

"COVID-19 disrupted every aspect of our work," the brothers wrote in the letter. "The fallout from the Canada Student Service Grant has placed us as a charity in the middle of political battles and misinformation that we are ill-equipped to fight.

Bull. Sh--.

You were caught committing fraud, liars. 


Seriously. If Morneau taps out, and if Trudeau taps out, maybe there’s some pointed questions about the seemingly chummy relationship between the Kielburgers and the prime minister. Maybe a reporter digs up some of the connections between WE and Morneau. Maybe the now former finance minister even has that lightbulb-over-head moment about the tens of thousands of bucks he owed them and writes a cheque. But if the gentlemen had recused, there’s no real story there. The answer to every question becomes, “We recused ourselves to avoid any real or perceived conflict.” Repeat as necessary.

Instead we got … the last few months. This isn’t quite an example of the coverup being worse than the proverbial crime. It’s more like the ineptitude being more interesting than the story itself. Without the ineptitude, there probably isn’t a story at all.

Avoiding the scandal doesn’t necessarily save WE Charity. It’s possible that the pandemic’s impact was enough to doom it. Reporting over the past several months has revealed that WE Charity was in rocky financial shape; further reporting has suggested a degree of managerial dysfunction at the top. Perhaps these factors in combination would have doomed the charity, and the Kielburgers are just seizing on the WE scandal as a convenient excuse. Something soothingly self-righteous enough to seize on as they grab their ball and storm off the playground.


Good old corruption is an easier and more apparent answer.

How many prime minister's brothers get to suck out thousands of dollars from a charity?


Canadians are gradually getting the high unemployment, spiralling debt, inflation and lack of accountability they gladly voted for:

The federal Conservatives have asked Canada's ethics watchdog to launch an investigation into allegations of improper lobbying related to the government's emergency wage subsidy program.

The probe concerns possible breaches of the Conflict of Interest Act involving Michael McNair, a then-informal adviser to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau; Katie Telford, Trudeau's chief of staff; and Telford's husband, Rob Silver.


Canadians should be "somewhat concerned" when, during the cold winter they will soon experience, it costs too much to heat their homes:

According to a Nanos survey, a full 77% of Canadians are worried by Canada’s rising budget deficits.

47% say they are ‘concerned,’ while 30% say they are ‘somewhat concerned.’


Can one imagine what things would be like if Butts implemented his personally profitable but disastrous "green" plans sooner?


A British Columbia carbon tax hailed by cabinet as a model for the nation has not lowered greenhouse gas emissions, says the Department of Environment. Even rebates for electric car buyers failed to cut pollution in B.C.’s transport sector: “British Columbia shows it.”


Federal spending on pollsters has tripled in five years, says the Department of Public Works. Figures show cabinet spent a total $54.8 million on public opinion surveys since 2015: “The Government of Canada works hard to ascertain which issues Canadians care about.”


I care about removing Justin from office. Is there a poll for that? 



I shouldn't be surprised that the number is not greater:

Fewer than half of people surveyed in a federal poll, 49 percent, say they trust the Government of Canada to balance national security with civil liberties. The finding follows false alarms by cabinet over foreign interference in the 2019 election: “I am concerned about information that government intelligence agencies may be collecting about me.”

It's not like they valued Canadian lives or anything.

Canada has been criticised for being soft on war criminals.

To wit:

Bob Rae, who served as Canada’s special envoy to Myanmar before being named to the ambassador position this year, told Global News that Canada and the Netherlands will be making a joint submission to the International Criminal Court based on the legal issues that arise from the solders’ confessions.

I'll just leave these right here:

An armed band of Rohingya militants killed up to 99 Hindus in a single day of carnage in Myanmar‘s Rakhine state, according to an Amnesty International investigation.


Rohingyas Muslims were welcomed as guests in the beginning according to historians. There was little or no problem at the beginning. Problems such as rebelling did happen later but an agreement was reached and they disarmed in early 60s. Although minor conflicts occurred among both communities, nothing serious occurred until about 5 years ago where Muslims gathered in numbers and walked the streets killing the minority natives in their areas. Which is why Burmese Buddhists started counter attacking the Muslims who were killing their brothers and sisters in Rohingyas lands.


He seems to have a history of "interference":

Attorney General David Lametti is being cited for “intolerable” and unlawful interference in court business. The Federal Court of Appeal struck down a cabinet bill to freeze civil proceedings: ‘It is incorrect in law and should not be followed.’

Justin's brother worked as a propagandist for the Iranians:

Iranian dissidents organized a massive exhibition in Washington, D.C. last Friday, featuring thousands of photos of some of the 120,000 men, women and children murdered at the hands of the Iranian regime for political reasons, including 30,000 killed in a mass execution of political prisoners in 1988.


No, there isn't a place for Canada on the world stage, former Vice-Admiral Mark Norman, and you know why:

"I'll be blunt. I think we can do better. I think we can do better on many fronts," Norman, the Canadian military's former second-in-command, told the Roy Green Show.

As a wealthy nation, Norman said, Canada has an obligation to become more active in a world that "isn't getting any nicer."

Norman, who discussed China and Arctic sovereignty along with other topics during the interview, did not specifically reference which issues — or parts of the world — Canada should become more active in.

But he suggested the country's presence could be bolder.

"I think our involvement is going to have to be a bit edgier than it has been in the recent past," he said. "And I know that makes a lot of people uncomfortable. But I think it's a conversation that we need to have."

Don't waste another moment thinking about this, Vice-Admiral. Canadians don't even know what statues are being pulled down and why.


Apologising is not just weakness in front of voters but in front of voters blocks:

The leader of New Brunswick’s Progressive Conservatives has dropped one of his candidates after learning he had reposted a Facebook message containing transphobic language. ...

Alice McKim, a candidate for the Liberal Party who is a transgender woman, said the comment by Tory candidate was inciting violence and were contrary to the province’s Human Rights Act.


(Sidebar: you're not really a girl and everyone knows it.)


A Quebec judge who refused to allow a Muslim woman to appear in court wearing a hijab apologized on Tuesday, more than five years after the incident occurred.


Let's elect our judges. 


Also - if Canadians object to people who regard personal responsibility as the key to live one's life and safeguard the lives of others, that is on them. An important distinction must be made.  The same people who would never vote for any flavour of conservatism under the fatuous twaddle of freedom would reject things like school choice or personal protection. In truth, their mental engine is personal license, not personal liberty. Remove the fuel (read: money) for that engine and listen to a steady stream of whining:

Lewis was open about her social views throughout her campaign. Unlike Scheer she had strong, clear responses. And unlike Sloan, she was polite and sensible.

(Sidebar: rather, Sloan had the b@lls never to apologise which made him incredibly attractive in a pool of jellyfish.)

That defused any media speculation about Lewis’s “hidden agenda.” She had none.

Importantly, she was also not a one-note horn blaring away only about social issues. And when she did talk about social conservatism, Lewis was unfailingly positive, rather than scolding or preachy.

For instance, she explained that despite being a young, single lawyer trying to establish a practice, she decided to keep her own baby because her children gave her “purpose.” Now she wants to “fight for all the women and girls who, like me, felt immense social pressures to have an abortion.”

Not restricting choice, but rather broadening it.

In the end, there is a fine line for any Conservative leader to walk when it comes to social conservatism (just as there is when it comes to the environment, Indigenous issues, racism, immigration, multiculturalism and so on.)

The “progressive” line – the Liberal line – is the easy one. React emotively, throw money at fashionable causes, pander to activists and mainstream media, give radicals what they want and go for the symbolic solution every time.

This approach will never accomplish anything, but those who push it will never be accused of racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, selfishness or any other mean or bad characteristic, either.



Compare this:



To this

Following a noon mass of reparation held by Bishop Gerard Bergie Wednesday, Jong said a parishioner was approached by an unidentified man who handed him one of the doors from the tabernacle.

She said a group of parishioners took it upon themselves to search through remote areas of the city in the hope of recovering the rest of it. They found the tabernacle and pieces of the ciborium, partially submerged in the old canal that runs through Centennial Gardens.

“A few men who were working at the cathedral went to retrieve it and they used the same shopping cart to return it that was used to take it away,” she said. “It’s recovered, but it’s broken.”

Jong said one of the doors is missing, and church members continue to hope it, too, will be returned.

She said images of the suspects were caught on surveillance cameras, installed after break-ins and thefts almost a year ago — including the theft of a large bronze lamppost that was later recovered.

A normal country would have withdrawn from the UN ages ago:

Despite the fact that men are more likely to die from the CCP Virus, and despite China’s role in spreading it, the United Nations – in a Tweet labelled ‘COVID-19 Response,’ is blaming ‘the patriarchy.’


But not China.


This China: 

The deal to award a state-owned Chinese company the contract to install X-ray scanners in Canadian embassies around the world is being reviewed by the quasi-judicial body that governs the federal government’s procurement process.

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal has informed Beijing-based Nuctech that it has decided to conduct an inquiry, based on a complaint made by rival bidder, KPrime Technologies of Calgary.


The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) on Monday claimed that Indian soldiers fired warning shots along the Line of Actual Control in Ladakh, prompting it to take "take countermeasures to stabilise the situation on the ground."


If passport-holders are in China, it is because they want to be there. Leave them there and forget about them as we have conveniently forgotten about the two Michaels:

It is a total disgrace that the Canadian government has not warned all of our Citizens to leave the country. Their refusal to do so makes it appear that the Trudeau Liberals are still total cowards in regards to China, and would rather leave our Citizens at risk than stand up to the CCP.


Canadians can no more reclaim factory jobs from Asia than they could turn the ocean tide, says China’s ambassador to Canada. Ambassador Cong Peiwu made the remarks in a webinar sponsored by Canada’s Building Trades Unions: ‘It is the trend of the times, you know.”

That's right, Canadian unions. China calls the shots now.


The Chinese government accused Australia on Wednesday of "blatant irrational behavior", harassment and violation of the rights of its journalists by searching and seizing items from the homes of four Chinese state media reporters.


Not dead enough by Putin's standards:

Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny has been removed from a medically induced coma and is responding to speech, Berlin’s Charite hospital said on Monday.

The hospital, which has been treating Navalny since he was airlifted to Germany after falling ill on a Russian domestic flight last month, said his condition has improved and he is being weaned off mechanical ventilation.



Heads exploding in five, four ...

A Norwegian lawmaker has nominated Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize for 2021 for helping broker a deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, the second time he has put forward the U.S. president for the honour.


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