Saturday, September 12, 2020

This Must Be Awkward





In B.C. Thursday, a trial judge rejected a request to overturn certain of the province’s medicare rules — including a ban on private health insurance — saying the laws fully complied with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Justice John Steeves’ mammoth, 800-page judgment was quickly hailed by supporters of public health care as a huge win for the current system.

But 15 years ago, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down Quebec’s similar prohibition against private insurance, a slim majority saying it breached either the Charter or a Quebec rights law.

The British Columbia case may well itself be headed to the Supreme Court, after the province’s court of appeal takes a stab at it first.

But with a whole new slate of members on the top court, and controversy around that earlier judgment, it’s far from certain how the judges would rule this time.


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