Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Economies Balance Themselves

Or some such thing:

Labour shortages in Canada appear to be mostly centred in jobs requiring little education, while employers finding it difficult to fill positions requiring higher levels of education probably aren’t facing challenges because candidates lack the necessary degrees, suggests a new research paper from Statistics Canada.


(Sidebar: remember - we were all promised that much-needed doctors and engineers will stroll right in.)

Why would anyone with a STEM degree remain in Canada when he or she can find employment elsewhere?

Canada is averse to capitalism, research, development and growth.

Change my mind.


A Carleton University business professor is casting doubt on the number of jobs that will be added to Windsor's economy by an electric vehicle battery factory.

Ian Lee says the country's unemployment level is the lowest it's been since the 1960s and calls the idea that Ontario is desperate to create new jobs as "nonsense," adding the province is already seeing a critical shortage of workers.

Stellantis and LG Energy Solution will draw many of their employees from other plants that are already operating in the region, he says.

"What's going to happen is these companies are going to be — they're not going to admit this publicly — but they're going to be poaching and robbing and soliciting skilled employees from other companies nearby because they need the workers to work there," Lee said.


The Department of Finance has asked the Parliamentary Budget Office to withhold public release of in-house data on a federal dentacare program. The Budget Office sought figures on the cost and scope of the plan promised by 2025: “Do not disclose the data publicly.”


Cabinet will not enforce a curb on taxpayers’ use of cheques despite a clause in an omnibus budget bill, says the Department of Finance. Bill C-47 the Budget Implementation Act would mandate electronic payment of taxes over $10,000: “The intention is not to force people to do things.”


No one trusts you, you fat dumpling:

Cabinet seeks to break a month-long filibuster that has tied up Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland’s omnibus budget bill in the Commons finance committee. One Liberal MP called it “arbitrary filibustering” to upset cabinet’s calendar: “The point is quite clear.”

But Justin can still fly everywhere, right?

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