Monday, September 30, 2024

Was It Something He Said and Did?


A new Postmedia-Leger poll has found that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is popular only with an ever-dwindling coterie of hardcore Liberal voters, with every other voter demographic wanting him gone. ...

Virtually every voter cohort covered by the poll disapproved of Trudeau’s performance as prime minister, often by huge margins.

Disapproval of Trudeau was the one issue that united every conceivable demographic in roughly equal margins; women and men (64 vs. 65 per cent), rural and urban (71 vs. 64 per cent) and even under-35s and senior citizens (66 vs. 64 per cent).

The only exception was those who identified as Liberal supporters. In that group, the approval rate was a whopping 83 per cent, against just 15 per cent who disapproved.

Among the other parties, the numbers were reversed. Even among NDPers, 57 per cent disapproved of Trudeau, against just 37 per cent who approved.

Meanwhile, the share of Liberal supporters just keeps getting smaller.

Only 24 per cent of those surveyed expressed an intention to vote Liberal in the next election. While this isn’t quite the lowest the Liberals have ranked in an opinion poll, it still puts them in line for a gutting defeat at the hands of the Conservatives in the next election.


That might be why the Tories want another go at unseating him.


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