Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Mid-Week Post

Your middle-of-the-week call to sanity ...



Prime Minister Justin Trudeau receives three memos a day, a political aide testified yesterday. The Commission on Foreign Interference is attempting to determine why Trudeau failed to act on repeated warnings of alleged illegal activity by foreign agents: “Would you agree with me the Prime Minister of Canada should not have any problem reading?”


He failed to act because the parties involved funnelled money's into his dad's foundation.


One would have to be loyal to Canada in the first place to be a traitor:

There are no traitors in Parliament, Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc yesterday testified at the Commission on Foreign Interference. LeBlanc said while some legislators “may have lacked judgment” none have betrayed Canada: “It is a gross partisan exaggeration.”

Would these concerns be related to memos he neither read nor acted on?:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office had enough “concerns” about one Liberal MP it vetoed his appointment to a Commons committee, the Commission on Foreign Interference disclosed yesterday. Cabinet has yet to explain why MP Han Dong (Don Valley North, Ont.) remained a Liberal candidate through two elections: “Un-endorsing Mr. Dong would have direct electoral consequences.”



Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he has the names of Conservative parliamentarians who are involved in foreign interference.

In explosive testimony before the foreign interference inquiry today, Trudeau said he instructed the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) to warn Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre and protect the party's integrity.

"I have the names of a number of parliamentarians, former parliamentarians and/or candidates in the Conservative Party of Canada who are engaged, or at high risk of, or for whom there is clear intelligence around foreign interference," he said.

"And I have directed CSIS and others to try and inform the Conservative Party leader to be warned and armed, to be able to make decisions that protect the integrity of that party, of its members, from activities around foreign interference."


Names, Justin.

We'll wait.

Justin is caught dead-to-rights in foreign interference.

This was known even in 2013 when he declared his undying love for China. 



Anything to distract:

In a development that could further strain Indo-Canadian relations which hit a historic new low yesterday with India withdrawing its High Commissioner from Canada, Liberal MP Sukh Dhaliwal recently sponsored a petition seeking a fresh, third inquiry into the bombing. The petition claims that a new investigation is needed in light of “recent developments within the Sikh community” to determine if “foreign intelligence” groups were involved.


Justin will not leave office willingly:

“In the last few months of a dying government is when they’re the most dangerous.”

The government Smith is talking about is the federal government, the government in Ottawa, the one led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

The government 21 points behind Pierre Poilievre and the federal Conservatives.

It is in these dying days of sunny ways where Smith anticipates even greater ugliness if Trudeau and his crew do not see their way to re-election.

Then it will be like the folks who are getting an eviction notice and trash the place on the way out.

“If they don’t see a pathway to re-election in being reasonable and working collaboratively they’re going to pass all kinds of policy knowing it will be complicated and take some time to undo and send a chill in the investment community.”


Members of the government have sought to pour cold water on speculation that Parliament will be prorogued in order to avoid a successful non-confidence motion, especially since NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh (Burnaby South, B.C.) announced an end to his party’s supply-and-confidence agreement with the Liberals on Sept. 4.


Can't he control the chaos?:


He thinks he can control the media.


Make no mistake about it - any Liberal MP who has finally summoned the courage to publicly state that Justin should leave is doing so to save himself, not the country.

He had nine years for that:

Liberal MP Sean Casey said he was still hopeful until last week that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would decide to step down and trigger a leadership race, but that has not happened, and Casey felt he owed it to his constituents to speak out.

Casey, the MP for Charlottetown, became the first Liberal MP on Tuesday to publicly say he wants Trudeau’s resignation since news broke this past weekend that some members of the party’s caucus have been organizing behind the scenes to collect signatures and force the leader to step down.

How interesting:

The University of Munster in Germany announced on Friday that a team of its archaeologists has uncovered one of the oldest Christian churches in the world in the Ararat Plain of Armenia.

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