Friday, May 22, 2009

Sensible Footwear?

No, I don't mean the $540 variety. I mean flip-flops.

Guantanamo Bay has been a great source of consternation, particularly for Democrats who wish to see the previous president's solution to uniform-less terrorists closed down. Yet, despite the Chosen One's promises of closing Guantanamo Bay down, he can't seem to do it. The US Senate voted ninety to six against closing the prison because the current president hasn't delineated plans for the prisoners. Surely, he put thought into this, or at least had someone who knew what they were talking about deal with this. President Obama cannot close the infamous prison down because other than lofty sentiments of justice, the cold, hard reality of battling international terrorism and the unwillingness of others to deal with such an issue, keeping the prisoners where they are is a good idea. The prisoners, caught while fighting American troops, must be put somewhere, tried and released or punished. Where the prisoners go? Who will try them? Who will accept financial responsibility for this? How will any of this affect international opinion of America? Talking about it is one matter. Doing something is quite different.

If there is a Canadian alive who thinks Obama cares for Canada, wake. The hell. Up. The government-owned GM is affecting Canadian livelihoods, as well.

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