Monday, October 12, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving Day!


Enjoy this time surrounded by good food and good relationships!


Also - badly-worded article.

People weren't allowed to have friends or family over during the Easter holiday (except for Justin and Patty Hajdu).

How many people have had family and friends drive or even fly in not just for Easter but Thanksgiving or Christmas and will still do so?

The bribed press will not stray from the official paranoia:

Pandemic fatigue has officially set in, a new poll concludes, after finding that significantly fewer Canadians are likely to obey health officials’ warnings to physically distance and avoid visiting family and friends during Thanksgiving than during Easter. 

The poll, conducted by market researcher Leger with the Association for Canadian Studies between Oct. 2 and 4, surveyed 1523 Canadians — including 412 Quebecers — via a web panel, and compared responses with one conducted between April 10 and 12, surveying 1508 Canadians, witha margin of error of ±2.5 per cent.

And - it's a Thanksgiving miracle!:

A Newfoundlander in Los Angeles will be giving thanks for a savoury saviour Monday night as he tucks into a holiday dinner made possible by the magic of social media.

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