Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Never Under-Estimate What Knee-Jerk Anti-Americanism Can Accomplish

Anything American is bad, wicked and heathenish.

But don't take my word for it:

The numerous discussions on populism in recent years have predominantly focused on right-wing politicians and movements. When we hear the term “populism,” many of us immediately think of U.S. President Donald Trump, various right-wing parties in Europe, or Maxime Bernier’s People’s Party of Canada. ...

Even more alarming, populism has crept into and seems to have taken a hold of our federal government policy in Canada.

The recent promises of the Liberal government to consider universal basic income and to increase spending with a range of new government programs aimed at solving such complex issues as homelessness and climate change are a good example of this trend. These programs promise a lot, including to fix problems quickly, but their effectiveness and cost have been noted by many to be negligible and highly questionable, in that order.


In order to sway Canadians (who refuse to spend a moment thinking critically about programs that no one can afford or should want) from rejecting these promises, bring in the spectre of Americanism and watch criticism and dissent from these things disappear.

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