Monday, October 26, 2020

The Government That WON'T Let People Provide For Themselves Starts Another Scare Campaign

To wit:

The Liberals are warning a Conservative push for greater transparency around vaccines, personal protective equipment and rapid testing contracts risks Canada’s relationship with suppliers and could hinder Canada’s access to vital supplies.

Where would the Liberals be without the puerile fear tactics that got them elected?


There have been no new reports of Canadian diplomats coming down with mysterious symptoms of what’s become known as “Havana Syndrome” in nearly two years — and no answers for those affected.

That’s despite new reports from the New York Times and GQ Magazine that American intelligence sources are pointing the finger at Russia for dozens of cases of U.S. diplomats and spies experiencing symptoms similar to those reported by the Canadians.

But Canadian investigators say they still have no idea what caused the spate of illnesses — originally described by government officials as “attacks” — and are not providing any updates on the state of the investigation, which documents obtained by Global News under access to information laws initially described as “criminal” in nature.


Because transparency.

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