Saturday, August 14, 2021

Saturday Post


Greater love hath no man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends.

(Sidebar: Saint Maximilian Kolbe, who loved Japan so much that he went there penniless to preach to its people, was arrested, marked as a dissident by the Nazis, put into a camp, beaten, mistreated and ultimately sacrificed his life for a fellow camp inmate who had a family. He died by a lethal injection. Why does all of this sound familiar?)

Let's make SNC-Lavalin, the WE "charity", groping, blackface, disrespect to Japan, the two Michaels, the destroyed economy, the shrunken middle class, the high taxes, unemployment, inflation, censorship, political favours, the sixteen tonnes of personal protective equipment given to his favourite country, China, the bribing of the press and the burned churches election issues:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is set to meet with Gov. Gen. Mary Simon at Rideau Hall in what sources say will be a request to pull the plug on his minority government.

In a notice to journalists, the Prime Minister’s Office said Trudeau will be heading to Rideau Hall on Sunday morning to speak with Simon.

He is expected to take questions at some point afterwards.

He is expected to take rehearsed questions in the same way Xi or Kim Jong-Un make unquestioned pronouncements.

Now is the time to remind Justin that without his dad's or Chinese money, he would be on slopes of some ski resort.

Quebec is special:

Thousands of protesters are marching in Montreal today against Quebec’s decision to impose a vaccine passport across the province in the Fall.

Premier Francois Legault has said his government will be implementing a vaccine passport system starting Sept. 1 to control access in settings with a high degree of contact, such as festivals, bars, restaurants and gyms.

Protesters gathered in downtown Montreal are calling on the government to hold a public debate and revoke its decision on the vaccine passport.

Quebec opposition parties denounced the provincial government’s refusal to hold a debate on Thursday, saying it reflects a larger problem with its use of emergency powers.

Watch as Quebec is exempt from the other things everyone else must endure.

Everyone knows that viruses never affect anyone east of Cornwall!

Hey, did anyone find out who burned those churches?:

Amid recent calls for the Sir John A. Macdonald statue at Gore Park in downtown Hamilton to be removed, the long-standing figure was toppled by demonstrators Saturday afternoon.

The Afghanistan debacle is Biden's to own

President Joe Biden announced Saturday that he is deploying more troops to Afghanistan to ensure that U.S. personnel can be evacuated safely.

“Based on the recommendations of our diplomatic, military, and intelligence teams, I have authorized the deployment of approximately 5,000 U.S. troops to make sure we can have an orderly and safe drawdown of U.S. personnel and other allied personnel and an orderly and safe evacuation of Afghans who helped our troops during our mission and those at special risk from the Taliban advance,” the president said in a statement.

A U.S. defense official said the deployment included 1,000 newly approved troops from the 82nd Airborne Division.


Canadian special forces are reportedly on their way to evacuate staff at our Embassy in Kabul. The Canadian Embassy will soon be shuttered. There will be no need for it, as Canada does not anticipate having diplomatic relations with the Taliban.

(Sidebar: I wouldn't put anything past Justin.)

Oh, dear:

A 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck off Haiti’s coast Saturday, toppling homes, causing hundreds of deaths and triggering a series of aftershocks in the disaster-pone Caribbean nation.

When you replace yourselves with God, the unthinkable becomes thinkable and then mandatory:

Since wait lists are notorious and health care is in fact already rationed, and the greatest single challenge to our health-care budget and personnel are the elderly, the economics of socialized medicine has created intense pressure for elderly people and their families to acquiesce, under the theory that assisted dying is death with dignity.

In this view, the way to provide the highest-quality health care for the largest possible number of people is to evangelize the elderly and infirm on the virtues of an early passage to the hereafter, in order to free up space and personnel for patients with a greater useful life expectancy. Because of the extreme delicacy of this subject, it is impossible to know to what extent the elderly receiving care are hastened into palliative care and then accelerated into the assisted achievement of mortal dignity. The rationalization of this informal practice is that it enables the health-care system to conform more closely with its budget, to achieve more positive outcomes by focusing on patients with a more hopeful future and the whole transfer of attention is papered over with ever more elaborate laudations of the virtues of an expedited precipitation into eternity.

Some of the views expressed in this column are, with the author’s permission, derived from an extremely well-researched paper on the subject by Susan K. Riggs of the University of Toronto. She makes the point that in 2020, around 80 per cent of Canadian COVID deaths were of senior citizens living in long-term care homes, compared to around 30 per cent in the United States. She also argues that socialized medicine focuses greater attention on basic care and reduced commitments to medical research, with the result that Canada has a very limited ability to devise new treatments and to manufacture its own vaccines. This problem was severely compounded in the COVID-19 emergency by our early attempt to partner with China in the development of a coronavirus vaccine. The gradual infiltration of induced death into a supposedly legitimate function of health care is largely the work of the federal government’s medical assistance in dying law, which is aided and abetted by an extensive alliance of organizations that promote euthanasia. And it was precipitated by the evolution of Canada’s official judicial attitude toward assisted dying.

Watch as the CPPs get taken by the government.

Granny was killed for her pension.

Yes, it was an attack and yes, it was negative:

A 21-year-old woman in Nova Scotia was airlifted following an apparent shark attack off the coast Cape Breton.



Article content

The woman was taken to a local hospital with serious injuries then was airlifted to Halifax, RCMP said. The call came in around 5 p.m. on Friday. ...

According to Shark Attack Data, the last documented shark attack to happen in Nova Scotia was on Aug. 30 1891, when a man was knocked overboard and died in an unprovoked attack.

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