Sunday, May 15, 2022

And the Rest of It

Not a single dissenter:

The Supreme Court of Canada on Friday ruled that defendants accused of violent crimes such as homicide and sexual assault may use self-induced extreme intoxication as a defence, striking down a federal law supported by women’s advocacy groups.

Warning people of danger is bad, says government brownshirts:

Paul Mason, the head of Nova Scotia’s Emergency Management Office, said that since the mass shooting of 22 people in April 2020, there have been 12 uses of the Alert Ready system for events involving a police response, adding, “we have not seen mass panic in response of utilization of the system.”

Cheryl McNeil, a consultant and a former employee of the Toronto police, referred to the theory as the “panic myth,” and she said “as long as alerts are clear, concisely stated and provide direction, I don’t see how panic can be an expected outcome of advising the public of information they need to know.”


The RCMP is once more proven incompetent.



This country needs a Depression:

Many white-collar workplaces are making similar retreats as their employees stubbornly stick to working from home while struggling with child care, the grind of commuting and worries about rising COVID-19 cases. Bosses are wary of taking punitive action against those who aren’t following their ambitious so-called RTO plans, fearing it will backfire in today’s tight labour market. That leaves them to re-evaluate their carefully crafted strategies and reconsider what is a realistic long-term approach to in-person work.


Perhaps their jobs can be done by artificial intelligence?


Employers will never fill job vacancies without record high immigration quotas, Minister of Immigration Sean Fraser said yesterday. “We cannot fill those jobs,” Fraser testified at the Commons immigration committee: ‘If we want to pay for all the things we enjoy we need to bring more people.’


Why aren't we training or re-training Canadians who have been forced out of their jobs by government-forced lockdowns?

Are you bringing in people just to tax them?

What an @$$hole you are, Sean.



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