Monday, May 09, 2022

The Elimination of the Mother

Your post-Mother's Day reflection ... 

The individual must cease to exist. 

It is how every civilisation falls.

The de rigeur duties to higher beings, of personal responsibility and filial piety can be replaced with hedonism and ultimately the dependence on the State that demands nothing short of one's complete elimination of the self with nothing but a body to work. 

With the hedonism comes the removal of any object or person in one's path to instant gratification.

It was the child who bore this terrible brunt. 

Now, it is the woman and the vocation only she can fill:

What the Left wants from women is to replace actual choice with the illusion of a binary choice. Its message is the familiar one of Big Brother, that power comes from surrendering individualism, and that security can only be found in the ranks of angry mobs. That is what we were seeing outside the Supreme Court. And it is what we see throughout identity politics.

The Left gaslights its professional victims into nullifying everything about themselves except their greatest vulnerability which it promises that it can help them control. Power, the abortion movement tells the “birthing people” who used to be women, comes from not giving birth. The only way to maintain control over your life is to kill your children before they can be born.

Victims are notoriously easy to convince that preemptive aggression is self-defense, that the only way to be safe is absolute selfishness, and that their feelings are all that should matter.

Wokeness is the social manifestation of this state of mind in workplaces and universities.

The Left claims that it teaches pride and strength, but what it actually inculcates are the insecurities of shame and weakness. It reduces its victims to their worst and urges them to be proud of that and to lash out at anyone who might expect anything better from them.

Having erased women, the Left tells “birthing people” to take pride in dead children.


The State will save one and all it takes is one's offspring and self.


So true:

“Also how has no-one noticed that drag is just “womenface” for the amusement of gay men. Drag is the direct equivalent of blackface. Imagine a primetime network show celebrating Al Jolson?”


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