Saturday, May 14, 2022

"WAAAAAAHHH!" Cried the Lap Dog

"People are being mean to me because I stuck them with Trudeau!" whines lap-dog:

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says the aggressive verbal harassment he endured outside a campaign event in Peterborough, Ont. was one of the most troubling experiences of his political career.


You're involving yourself in the Ontario election because ...? 


Singh is either confused or lazily glib in his pronouncements. Or perhaps totally invulnerable to the damning ironies of condemning the Liberal party and its leader while offering himself and his party as their buttress, their shield, their scaffold and support. If the Liberals are “rigging” the system, they are giving the Liberals cover. Strange posture for the NDP.


But Singh will not be made a fool of!

He has a plan!:

New Democrat and Liberal MPs yesterday questioned if federal measures are needed to curb political protests. The proposals followed a Tuesday incident in which NDP leader Jagmeet Singh was jeered by profane hecklers: “How much longer do we have to wait before we actually treat this seriously and put in place the tools to prevent this?”


Yes, Jag, take away the outrage of the common man. 

They can always rely on term limits, criminal penalties and freedom from arbitrary arrest, right?



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