Monday, June 27, 2022

And the Rest of It

Imagine if the oil sector wasn't destroyed by a spoiled frat-boy:

Germany hopes to import liquefied natural gas from Canada to help replace the Russian gas it still relies on for more than a third of its imports, down from about half before the invasion of Ukraine. Germany and Canada have been discussing options for an LNG terminal on Canada’s east coast to export to Europe, German officials said.


It is to laugh at both Canada and Germany, both of which destroyed their energy concerns. 



Apparently, Canadians don't need jobs:

Half of foreign college and university students in Canada are in the workforce, says federal research. The new figures follow a proposal from members of the Commons industry committee to lift a cap that limits foreign students to part time work: “International students have become an integral part of the labour force.”

Making the Pope prostate before Big Aboriginal:

The federal government is expected to soon announce funding for residential school survivors who want to attend the papal visit in-person or by holding their own community events, according to a senior government source.


When do we talk about Justin's dad's involvement?



"Land guardians can help the land heal," she said. "And the land can help the guardians heal."

Ball is at the forefront of the new way Canada protects its remaining healthy rivers, lakes, forests, mountains and plains. Crown governments would once rope off an area deemed particularly scenic or good for outdoor recreation and call it a park.

No longer.

"There's no future when it comes to conservation where the federal government is involved (and) Indigenous people aren't involved from the get-go," said federal Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault. "This traditional model is a thing of the past."

Conservation is now something Indigenous people lead instead of something done to them. Most protected areas in Canada are now being proposed by Indigenous groups, who aim to look after those lands themselves.


Yeah about that:


Is there still a Canada left to hate?:

“We are reimagining a Canada Day, a new day, that includes a reflective, inclusive and fun day for everyone to come together,” the announcement read. There will be “pop-up stages” and “pipe ceremonies” and “picnic tables” and so forth, but nothing about Confederation, the country or Canada itself. Canada Day has been reimagined right out of existence.

The French announcement is even more clear, with no mention of Canada at all: “July 1st at the dawn of a new time!”


Oh, please. Canada can't do anything right. It certainly won't become a "haven".

But it does situate a complete douchebag:

Trudeau’s Liberal government is ignoring the pleas of some fifteen thousand Canadians who are demanding that the government not strip pro-life pregnancy centres of their charitable tax status. The Prime Minister’s finance minister recently responded to the petitioners, telling them that despite their concerns, the “Government of Canada is committed to taking action” against pro-life organizations.


Pro-life groups, stop thinking that you can change the minds of these troglodytes.

Bring back your "Show the Truth" campaigns and grim statistics and park outside Harrington Lake.

Also - "moral decay" is about right:

What a tragic failure we have been to young Eric Coulam. It’s only been six years since Canada legalized euthanasia and while it was first justified as something necessary for those with a terminal illness in the last days of their life, it has now become something nearly everyone can access, including young Canadians who are not able to secure the medical help they need to live.

It is an example of moral decay that we now live in a country where every resource is available to end the life of the sufferer, rather than find solutions to the suffering. The slippery slope is real and it’s time for Canadians to demand an end to this ever-expansive euthanasia regime.



Lithuanian bishops have called on politicians to vote down proposed same-sex partnership legislation, quoting words used by Pope Francis to argue that civil unions distort the concept of marriage and family.

Lithuania's parliament last month voted to accept for further debate a draft bill legalizing same-sex civil partnerships, after voting down a similar bill in May 2021.

In a pastoral letter to the faithful, the Lithuanian Bishops Conference -- a body which unites the country's bishops -- quoted a 2016 treatise by Pope Francis which states "de facto unions or unions of the same sex cannot simply be equated with marriage".

"The draft law on civil unions essentially proposes what Pope Francis urges us not to do - to equate de facto unions and same-sex unions with marriage. We cannot support this bill, which distorts and devalues the concepts of marriage and the family," the bishops wrote.

The bishops said civil partnership could be "a Trojan Horse" leading to civil marriage.


Like the Trojan Horse of free speech in this country.


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