Sunday, June 05, 2022

Ontario Election

The provincial election on June 2nd recorded one of the lowest voter turn-outs in the province's histroy. 

Having no statesmen to vote for and an increasingly idle, greedy and ideological public sector base (who will never in a million years vote for removal of taxpayer subsidies for all parties or term limits) demanding taxpayer-funded things, it's no wonder that this election played out like a gong show:

Doug Ford was asked about voter turnout at 43 per cent - the lowest voter turnout in history - which means that around 20 per cent of Ontarians actually voted for the PCs.


(Sidebar: Justin demanded an election no one wanted during a lockdown he enforced and with low turn-outs, long waiting times to cast ballots, troubling mail-in votes and a low popular vote. Yet here we are.)


The horrendous result for the Ontario NDP comes not long after Jagmeet Singh was confronted on multiple occasions by angry Canadians, including Canadian Sikh’s, demonstrating growing anger against Singh in that community.

Much of the anger stems from perception that Singh has sold out to Justin Trudeau by doing Trudeau’s bidding.

Singh’s demonization of the Freedom Convoy was also heavily criticized by some Canadian Sikhs who supported the movement and opposed Singh’s attempt to smear the convoy as ‘racist.’

When Singh was confronted with those angry crowds, much of the establishment media attempted to completely ignore it, since it didn’t fit their narrative.

But narrative or not, the results on election day in Ontario were quite dramatic.

In a serious of Tweets, respected Canadian voice Darshan Maharaja discussed the seemingly negative impact Jagmeet Singh’s popularity – or lack therof – had on the NDP in the Ontario election:

“Looking back, that video where Jagmeet was seen running away from people in Brampton who wanted to ask him questions was a pretty good sign that NDP was in trouble as far as retaining the 3 Brampton seats was concerned.”

Darshan also noted that Jagmeet Singh’s brother was defeated:

“NDP lost all the 3 seats that it held in Brampton. Now all 5 seats are Conservative.

Losing NDP MPP’s include the Deputy Leader Sara Singh.

I think this may be a fallout of Jagmeet’s deal with Trudeau. Jagmeet’s brother Gurratan Singh also lost (Brampton East).”


And it shows.



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