Monday, March 06, 2006

Two Posts For the Price of One: The Oscars- Either This Award Show Goes, or I Do!

Is anyone tired of sitting through four hours of self-congratulatory pig crap? I know I am. The Oscars pimp their own brand of movies and slap the liberal flavour-of-the-month on the back, not recognise excellence. If that ever does happen, it's a fluke.

And speeches, my God! Shut up, George Clooney! The Oscar voters had daring to do what? Make sure another Batman is never made? Maybe we should thank the Academy for that. And can't anyone just say 'thank you' and sit down?

But the real victim here is Jon Stewart. When that man can't bring the funny because the Oscar show writers are hacks and egos get in the way, no one wins.


St. Mary's Sunday School said...

Another Batman can't be made because....I'm Batman.

Sleeping Lotus said...

Yep, it's been like this for years. When something/someone truly good wins, it's like a freak accident. It's not par for the course. But the Oscars are only a sad reflection of the pitiful state of Hollywood in general. I mean, there is never going to come a day when the Academy comes out and says, "You know what? We're not going to televise the Oscars this year. We're not even going to HAVE an Oscars this year. This year will be the Oscars that never were. Why? Because all the movies that came out this year were third-rate vanity projects not worth the film they're printed on. That's why!" That's never going to happen. They have to have the awards and it makes no difference if it means they have to wade through mounds deep of crap to get to something even vaguely worth nominating. This year was proof of that. The show must go on...even if it's in a wheelchair and hooked to an IV feed.

You all can check out my blog, too. I posted some Oscar commentary as well. It's a loooooooooong post. I had a lot on my mind.

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

"third-rate vanity projects"


Sleeping Lotus said...

I agree with SMG. I really don't want to hear any political crap from celebrities. If I like someone...say I like someone's music or acting or singing, so long as they keep their yaps shut I will judge them solely on how I feel about their work. Even if I don't care for their moral values or lifestyle, I will still appreciate them for the contribution they make to good art. If I don't know about their private life and political/religious views that's fine by me! The more I know about a celebrity, the more he/she ends up annoying me anyway, so...

They should do us all a favor and STFU already.