Thursday, April 20, 2006

Some TV Musings

I'm sure we're all tired of that lunatic Cruise and the fake pregnancy (we all know it was, people), Brangelina and all that other tawdry filth that Hollywood thinks we should give a crap about. But it's that tawdry filth I will tarry over awhile.

The age-old debate over what children should be exposed to is a tired but still-relevant one. If one wishes to have a well-rounded and well-grounded child, avoid reading People magazine altogether. Does anyone care what some high school drop-out thinks (hack writer or actor)? Probably not. But certain persons do care about indecency rules.

Quite simply, if one does not wish their children to be exposed to violence, ect., fine. Turn off the TV, educate your child- and yourselves- about the nonsense out there and leave it at that. But what does one do if the parents (or parent) do/does not care or have/has no clue? How do you reason with a parent who sees nothing wrong with three-way sex scenes (or talk thereof) or rat-eating or some other mindless crap that is not interesting and not amusing? Well let's rent Reservoir Dogs, sit the kids in front of the screen and find out what really annoys said lazy parents.

Just some thoughts.

1 comment:

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

Values shouldn't be gotten from TV or anywhere else in the entertainment world. Period. Their so-called morals would make one sick!