Monday, December 11, 2006

THIS is the Religion of Peace

Iran opens its first conference to determine whether the Holocaust in an historical reality.

Let us be clear on one thing- this is certainly not an objective academic inquiry into an historical reality. It's just good, old-fashioned Jew-hating.

And there are people who think we should do nothing about them developing nuclear weapons.


Sleeping Lotus said...

I saw David Duke interviewed by Wolf Blitzer a couple days ago and he (Duke) at the utmost gall to complain that Blitzer referred to Duke's involvement in the KKK! He was actually COMPLAINING because Blitzer brought this up, as if it didn't relate to the issue of Duke being a Jew-hating, Nazi white supremist. Duke was also claiming (defending) the president of Iran was "misquoted" when he said he wanted Israel wiped off the map and when he said the world will be better off when there is no more USA. Sick.

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

What has to be done before the outrage from the West becomes so palpable and virulent that people would sooner let the Ebola virus into their homes before Amadenijad or Duke. These people are MAD!

Sleeping Lotus said...

Agreed. I don't know why we stand for this shit. If it were the Pope and Catholics spouting off this vile and hatred, Congress would give up sleeping, eating and having sex in order to convene for as long as it took to get some laws passed to condemn us and send us to prison for this same kind of "hate speech" that Muslims get away with on a hourly basis all over the world--including Dearborn, Michigan!!!