Friday, April 23, 2010

"South Park": Even Southier

(yes, yes- "southier" isn't a word. I know. Don't point that out.)

In Prague, the North Korean embassy took issue with the portrayal of Kim Jong-Il in "Team America: World Police":

Word from Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, is that the North Korean embassy there is asking the government to ban the film, the creation of Trey Parker and Matt Stone of South Park fame.

The Czech Foreign Ministry, however, said the North Koreans had been rebuffed in their effort to undermine the Czech Republic's post-Communist era freedom. The film shows marionettes attempting to stop Kim Jong-Il from destroying cities around the globe.

A Czech newspaper, Lidove Noviny, reports that a North Korean diplomat complained that the film "harms the image of our country." He was even quoted as saying, "Such behavior is not part of our country's political culture."

Who defended North Korea in a sniveling manner? Who defended it period?

Did anyone come running to Sean Penn's defense? (WARNING: because it is Sean Penn, it contains self-serving statements and bad language. Viewer discretion is advised.)

October 6, 2004

To Trey Parker and Matt Stone,

I remember a cordial hello when you guys were beginning to be famous guys around Hollywood at some party. I remember several times getting a few giggles out of your humor. I remember not being bothered as you traded on my name among others to appear witty, above it all, and likeable to your crowd. I never mind being of service, in satire and silliness.

I do mind when anybody who doesn't have a child, doesn't have a child at war, or isn't or won't be in harm's way themselves, is encouraging that there's "no shame in not voting" "if you don't know what you're talking about" (Mr. Stone) without mentioning the shame of not knowing what your talking about, and encouraging people to know. You guys are talented young guys but alas, primarily young guys. It's all well to joke about me or whomever you choose. Not so well, to encourage irresponsibility that will ultimately lead to the disembowelment, mutilation, exploitation, and death of innocent people throughout the world. The vote matters to them. No one's ignorance, indcluding a couple of hip cross-dressers, is an excuse.

All best, and a sincere fuck you,

Sean Penn

If one could stomach that blather, where, pray, is the stomach to confront thugs who would threaten death? Has that intestinal fortitude gone the way of arresting anti-Ann Colter thugs?

If the Czechs could stand up to a tinpot dictatorship like North Korea, where, then is our courage when thugs and bullies of all stripes threaten death and destruction over free speech and expression.

If you still have your suppers despite Sean Penn's letter, see if you can read this:

King asked MacFarlane to react, who said he wasn't bothered by it and had no remorse.

"No, no. No way was I emotionally scarred. I was able to sleep well at night," MacFarlane said. "I don't think so. I don't consider myself a hater. I - I'm a fairly optimistic person."

However, he said he questioned the merits of Palin's response - suggesting it could be partially politically motivated and partially heart-felt.

"I actually do think, you know, as much as I disagree with just about everything that she stands for, I do think at the end of the day probably to some degree - I think it was part political, you know, partially politically motivated and part genuine," MacFarlane said. "She is a mom. She probably was ticked off on some level but what those percentages are I couldn't tell you."

My consolation is that his character was taken out by a mole a couple of episodes ago on "Flash Forward". We won't be seeing his smug face in a while.

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