Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It’s Right Here

… all you need to read.

A class action lawsuit has been launched against the city of Montreal on behalf of protesters who were arrested May 23 during a mass demonstration opposing tuition fee hikes.

Lawyer Marc Chetrit has filed the case in Quebec Superior Court alleging that the city and its police department violated charter rights during the arrest and detention of more than 500 people.

 There are no words.

Okay, may there are.

Q: How many Illuminati does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

A: What Illuminati?

It doesn't take a scientist to figure out who is really wearing the tinfoil hat:

But the Conservatives’ positions on research, statistics, environmental assessment, pipeline opponents, climate change and so on leads many to wonder. In Mr. Nikiforuk’s view, “Republican religious tribalism is now Ottawa’s worldview.” He says Mr. Harper openly sympathizes with, if not endorses, evangelicals’ climate skepticism, their distrust of mainstream science and their view of libertarian economics as God’s will.

Peter Ferguson is trying to change that.

The Kimberley, ON, man has filed legal papers in a bid to end what he calls an "illegal" practice.

In the affidavit sworn by Ferguson, he states that Grey County council's "practice of praying at meetings is breaching my Charter rights to freedom of conscience and religion, as well as the rights of other non-believers, agnostics or atheists, and the followers of non-Christian faiths in Grey County," QMI Agency reports.

Ferguson insists that even though he doesn't believe in God, his campaign isn't anti-Christian.

"The religious aspect is secondary. It's the legal aspect that's important," he said. "It's a matter of principle. I don't believe our politicians should be breaking the law."

Ferguson says he first became "sensitized to the issue" a year and a half ago when Owen Sound's council meetings, which started with the Lord's Prayer, were also challenged.

Owen Sound has since implemented a policy that invites members of various faith groups to recite a prayer or observe a moment of silence before its council meetings. ....

Ferguson's approach isn't winning over fans at council. MPP Bill Walker adds that Ferguson has been, at time, "belligerent" with his staff.

"You could retrieve respect in an instant but you are too brain-free and too smug to do so and you make us sick," Ferguson said during a 15-minute scheduled delegation. Before his delegation, he slow-clapped through council's prayer.

Counsellor Arlene Wright told the Collingwood Enterprise Bulletin that Ferguson has called her an "evil woman" — and "a lot worse."

Showing disrespect to get respect is rarely a successful tactic.

And there you have it.  One side is unceasing in their unproven efforts to show up Harper as a Christian fundamentalist (a faith, as we all know, is the progenitor of the mosqueteria) and the other is smug, arrogant and downright rude.

This is the left and this is what they stand for.

Related: some people walk right into the jokes about them.

Should Schools Send Notes Or Permission Slips Home Before Starting Any Classroom Work About Curricular Issues That May Involve Discussions About Discrimination and Harassment?

No. The TDSB Equity Foundation Statement and Commitments to Equity Policy Implementation states that each school has a responsibly to education that reflects the diversity of its students and their life experiences. Singling out one group or topic area as too controversial, and depending upon parent/guardian/caregiver discretion, shifts this responsibility from the school to the parents/ guardians/caregivers and fosters a poisoned environment contrary to the TDSB Human Rights Policy.

Dare I ask why more “traditional” subjects aren’t studied? Why wouldn’t the schools want the parents of their students to know what is being taught? This isn’t just creepy; it’s manipulative and wrong.

At the urging of Valerie Jarrett, President Barack Obama canceled the operation to kill Osama bin Laden on three separate occasions before finally approving the May 2, 2011 Navy SEAL mission, according to an explosive new book scheduled for release August 21. The Daily Caller has seen a portion of the chapter in which the stunning revelation appears.

In ”Leading From Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him,“ Richard Miniter writes that Obama canceled the “kill” mission in January 2011, again in February, and a third time in March. Obama’s close adviser Valerie Jarrett persuaded him to hold off each time, according to the book.

And this is the leader Americans want?

Although 88-year-old Lou Xiaoying may now be close to death, she will not soon be forgotten in her home city of Jinhua.

The Daily Mail on Monday recorded the astonishing story of the elderly woman, whose meager living recycling trash did not stop her from bringing home and caring for all the abandoned infants she came across - all 30 of them.

“I realised if we had strength enough to collect garbage, how could we not recycle something as important as human lives,” she said.

“These children need love and care. They are all precious human lives. I do not understand how people can leave such a vulnerable baby on the streets.”

(With thanks to one and all)

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