Dear Americans,
We are neighbours, allies and trading partners. What happens to you also happens to us. Whether you experience loss or gain, we feel the effects of it. We are happy when things are going well for you and upset when things are going badly.
What we are trying to say is that no matter what happens tomorrow, we don't want you here.
Seriously. We have enough problems. If Obama gets re-elected, then you have yourselves to blame for it. Honestly, how lobotomized do you have to be to not get that high unemployment and a deficit that will be impossible to pay off is utterly ruinous to a nation everyone else depends on to bail them out? And if Romney wins, well, it won't be so bad. You put up for fours years with a guy who thought people in Austria spoke Austrian. This Romney guy actually looks like he knows how to handle money and, from what we hear, you could use some of that know-how right about now.
Whatever the case may be, it's your problem. You deal with it. You are not coming here to sponge off of our largesse. We're full. The bar's closed. Sod off.
Yours' in Christ,
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This flag stands on guard for me, not for thee. Sorry. |
I want to vote for Senator McCarthy!!
Very well put. I was planning on writing something similar and actually sending it south tomorrow morning. You should maybe consider doing the same.
~Your Brother~
Harold, I would like to vote for Pedro. He has a sensible plan for the budget and he will make all of our dreams come true.
El Barto, the audience here is far and wide. I'm sure the Americans will do some serious thinking as to whether they want four more years of ruin or try something different, ie, with someone who actually knows what he is doing and isn't a lying sociopath who expects the media to do his bidding and lets Americans die at the hands of jihadists.
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