Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Was It Something He Said?

 Like " ... the budget will balance itself" and then increasing the national debt to $33,100 per man, woman and child, doing the opposite of what he promised to do in 2015?

Or You know, there’s a level of admiration I actually have for China ….”, the same country that arrests Canadian citizens?

Or accusing other MPs of being ambulance-chasing politicians” instead of voting to return a convicted murderess to prison?

Was it accusing the entire country of Canada of a genocide that isn't happening?

Or could it be once again butting into American politics with typical and empty platitudes such as
That is not how we do things in Canada. A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian. The diversity of our country is actually one of our greatest strengths and a source of tremendous resilience and pride for Canadians and we will to continue to defend that.”

Or perhaps it was bfflignbwangawnefN?

Some Canadians have slowly woken up to the fact that Justin is an incompetent douchebag and have found that the idea of another four years of his idiocy is too much to bear:

According to a new Angus Reid survey, just 32% of Canadians approve of Trudeau, down 1 point from June.

61% disapprove, a slight drop from the 64% who disapproved of him last month.

The number who say they “don’t” know their opinion of Trudeau has risen from 3% to 4%.

Trudeau’s numbers are bad among all age groups:

Age 18-34: 37% approve

Age 35-54: 31% approve

Age 55 and above: 29% approve

That Ontario Premier Doug Ford notes that Justin is a poor representative of this "post-national state" and Tory leader Andrew Scheer is polling better is no real surprise.

What is interesting is this trend here:

Many people expressed their opposition to Trudeau using the hashtag:

“Strongly think #TrudeauMustGo – absolutely totally and completely. Leave the US politics down there. Worst PM in Canadian history.”

Also must go, Godzilla:

But is this discontent strong enough to last until October?

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