Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Canadian Identity

At one point in Canada's vaguely tumultuous history, most people regarded themselves as British subjects even though that did not apply in any real, meaningful way.

Later on, as we forged our metal in the furnace of international conflict, we knew that we weren't British subjects but Canadians, separate people who had to not only invent themselves but prove themselves, as well.

From the Sixties until now, Canadian identity was reduced to the vulgar, contemptible, conceited anti-Americanism as reflexive as any thought or nature.

It's pathetic.

Pick a nationality. Chances are that this person will tell one who he is and what he stands for.

Canadians don't do that.

Of course they repeat the usual tripe of multiculturalism they've heard since childhood but that doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Instead, Canadians tell everyone who they are not - Americans, people, it is claimed, represent the worst aspects of humanity.

Since when was this a vivid and accurate picture of one's nation?

It isn't. Instead, it comes off as the bleating of a people with poor self-esteem who can only feel good about themselves if they put others down:

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