Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Tone-Deaf and Pedastal-High

Only someone born into wealth, whose parents were wealthy, who attended private schools, who has never run a business, never lived paycheque to paycheque, never worked to obtained a degree in a profession that requires complex and critical thinking and who has no idea how manage money could make jokes like this and still think they would resonate with people who have never had those advantages:

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer is fighting back after the elitist Liberals made fun of poor Canadians by spreading the hashtag #ScheerWasSoPoorThat.

Among those spreading the hashtag was Liberal MP Gagan Sikand.

Scheer fought back on Twitter:

“Like millions of Canadians, I grew up middle class. When Trudeau’s Liberal MPs mock me for that, they mock you too.”

Yes, it is true that Andrew Scheer started feasting at the public trough at age twenty-five and still enjoys the entitlements that Justin and his Liberal friends also enjoy (entitled to their entitlements, as was said) but that doesn't change the fact that he comes from the middle-class, the one Justin did not and still does not understand and is shrinking with alarming regularity. At no point did Scheer claim Dickensian poverty. He only chose to point out his verifiable middle-class roots, the ones that differ vastly from Justin's background of wealth and his attitudes towards money and waste today.

How is Scheer the elitist and Justin the everyman?

More to the point, why are Canadians willing to tolerate the Liberals' baffling snobbery? Is this their "deplorable" moment or are they fine with letting the spoiled frat-boy insert his well-heeled foot in his mouth?

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