Saturday, December 03, 2022

The Super Happy Fun Christmas-y Christmas Post

Saint Francis Xavier: one of the original X-Men


Is everyone ready for Christmas?

The emotionally stunted are!:

“The Christmas Lights Across Canada program, now called Winter Lights Across Canada, brings together Canadians in their communities so everyone can participate and join in the spirit of the season,” reads a recent statement issued by Canadian Heritage.

Oh, you mean the lights that only come out at Christmas time?


It has been my experience that migrants either enjoy Christmas, are enthused by it or are indifferent to it but will not be the wet noodles who snub everyone.

Migrants are a convenient shield for the miserable Christmas-hating left who refuse to own their ridiculous stance and say outright that this joyous time of year makes them miserable:

Too many people feel left out of Christmas celebrations due to their own faith – or lack of it – so the traditional Christian season should be downplayed, a UK-based diversity lobby group said.

But there are some good things going on:

The Community Chest of Korea kicked off its annual Christmas collection campaign to help needy people on Thursday. Its goal is to collect W404 billion by Jan. 31 (US$1=W1,300).  
Donations will be used to help communities in need of support, families in crisis and people on the margins of society as their livelihoods are threatened after two years of lockdown, skyrocketing prices and a sputtering economy. 


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