Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Surprise, Surprise

The Chosen One, whose stimulus package can only be described as mortgaging America's future for some socialist pipe-dream, has taken a dip in ratings. I thought it laughable when his approval rating went up before he was even inaugurated but chalked it up to the ridiculous pop-psychology experiment of congratulating a kid for doing nothing in an effort to boost his self-esteem. The dip shows the American public's confidence in him is waning. They may very well be waking up to the fact that they voted in a complete amateur instead of scrutinising his every move and word. Yeah, well, reap what you sow.

And now for one of the most satisfying smackdowns in television history. On Monday evening on the Michael Coren Show, viewers witnessed what I suspect many of them waited for for a long time. Ezra Levant, former editor of Western Standard, defended his decision (there are quite a few of them, actually) to print an edition of his magazine with the allegedly offensive Mohammed cartoons. Andrea Calver, a self-styled social activist (READ: unemployed busybody), accused him of vilifying Muslims. What followed was a thing of beauty forever. Mr. Levant called her- and I quote- "a clown".

Now a quote from me: it's about DAMN time. I respect Mr. Coren's right to have guests of opposing views on his own program. However, this should never include people as rude, pompous, self-righteous and completely obtuse as Miss Calver is. If one has ever watched the show, one would see that she interrupts people, never answers a question outright, sputters absolutely unfounded nonsense and then finishes with smug little smirk. This woman has defended some of the most odious offenses in the Western world simply by being too proud and stuck-up to see where liberalism has failed- sharia law, anti-Catholicism, abuse of women, censorship and fanaticism. Seriously. She is usually on the show on Monday evenings. Watch her worm out of answering a simple yes or no question or curl her pouty little lips up when some injustice happens to someone less liberal than she. If her self-righteousness doesn't bother you, than you are stronger than me.

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