Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Imagine A Boot Stamping On a Mask Forever!

This is the state of Australia:




A trio of Australian police officers visited a man claiming they are doing "welfare checks" to ask residents if they plan on participating in the ongoing protests against COVID-19 mitigation efforts. The man in this video was asked if he has plans or if he knows anyone who has plans to protest and if he has participated in protests in the past.

"Have you gone to any protest in the past?" the policeman asked.

"No, I'm not going to answer that, you guys wouldn't be here otherwise," the man says.

"I'd like to know how you got this address, actually," the man told the police.

"Anything else you might want to tell us to help ensure the public safety?" an officer asked after a barrage of questions about his "plans."

"No, as long as you aren't going around shooting people with rubber bullets like in Victoria," the man said.


The bullets may be rubber, or “non-lethal” as they euphemistically call them. But they’re being fired at Australian citizens who have the audacity to want to… go outside. To leave their homes. To live life as normally as they can despite the state’s insistence of locking people in their own homes and creating a culture of fear around the Chinese Communist Party’s virus.


The Italian police have taken a gentler and less-arresting and firing rubber bullets approach:



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