Monday, September 06, 2021

Why, It's Like People Don't Like Him

The only way Justin's gamble pays off is if there is some creative vote counting:

The Maru Public Opinion survey found that 73 per cent of Canadians polled are open to voting for a party to run the country other than the Liberals led by Trudeau, while a mere 27 per cent have remained loyal to the prime minister.


Vancouver-proper has long been a Liberal strong-hold, just as college-educated mothers in urban areas are key Liberal voters. But, as Candice reports, these voters are increasingly turning on Trudeau and the Liberals.

It’s no wonder. After 18 months of Liberal lockdowns and years of Trudeau pitting Canadians against each other, many of these once-loyal Liberal voters are turning on their former party.


Many women are pretty empty-headed when it comes to Trudeau (as the 2013 "I love China" spiel shows). But now that they cannot send their children to baby-minding centres, they may have soured on him.


Take a step back, and it’s absolutely mind boggling just how much terrible behaviour Liberal voters are willing to overlook while they faithfully cast their ballot for the natural governing party. Can you imagine what would have happened if, hypothetically, images of a Conservative leader in blackface emerged in the middle of an election campaign? It would be game over, without a doubt.

Loyal to this douche:

The Conservatives are asking the federal Ethics Commissioner to investigate “troubling” ties between Liberal leader Justin Trudeau and the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, including the fact he was still a member of one of the organization’s governing bodies while prime minister.

Yet another scandal the voter must weather.

Mr. Oliver, have you read O'Toole's platform?:

Given the litany of Liberal failures, it should not come as a surprise that voters are questioning whether they want more of the same, especially since there is an attractive alternative.


The election, at this point, is anyone but Trudeau which is hardly a political awakening or a warming up to a candidate whose policies are not too dissimilar from the same-old-same-old.



Justin the hypocrite:

Faced with questions from the media as to why he was allowing an incumbent-Liberal candidate who had been repeatedly accused of sexual harassment to run for his party, an exasperated Trudeau was once again faced with his hypocrisy when it comes to his feminist credentials.


This candidate

Raj Saini, a Liberal candidate in Ontario, says he will no longer be running in Canada’s 2021 federal election, following allegations that he harassed a former member of his staff. Saini has firmly denied the allegations.

In a statement Saturday, Saini confirmed he has taken “the painful decision” to end his campaign for the 44th Parliament.


No longer having the comfortable position of ignoring such improprieties, Justin thought it better that Mr. Saini fall on his sword for not experiencing things in a convenient way.


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