Thursday, June 15, 2006

Something Very Wrong

Oh. My. Goodness.

The columnist was wrong. Eighty-one percent is NOT a comfortable majority. The number of people who should not condone pedophilia should be much higher.

Lazy attitudes, stupidity, the complete loss of sanity and things that are right and holy. You pick the pathology. I'm just going to be sick.


Osumashi Kinyobe said...

Perhaps Canadians are more stupid than immoral? Either case would still sicken me. Now with the age of consent made slightly higher, it still makes me wonder why people don't view these problems with more gravity.

Sleeping Lotus said...

Maybe those in the minority vote should have their children locked up in a room full of pedophiles. NO, I don't really mean that. But it amazes me how people can be so nonchalant when the abuse isn't affecting THEM or their loved ones.