Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Weekly Stuff

Ah, I couldn't think of a better title.

Moving on....


Yeah, like these guys should talk. When there is transparency from the North, maybe.

Let's keep our eyes on this. Certain death awaits those who try to defect from North Korea. Let us in the West never forget.

Yet another reason why Sharia law should be banned from the universe (and my universe includes Quebec!).

I wish someone would tell this moron what's what. Look- many people have tried to destroy the Church and they've ALL failed. This man and his merry band of jihadists will fail just as surely as they have failed to grasp the basic concepts of democracy, decency and handwashing. I mean- look at their signs. They can't even get their rhetoric straight. See what happens when you ban education in favour of guns and slapping one's wife around?

The Britons should remember that Neville Chamberlain was a coward and a fool, too, when they look back on this enormous blunder and insult.

I knew John Kerry was stupid, I just never realised he was THAT stupid.

Who gave this guy a medical license? Who? Find him. Find him and kick his @$$. Has this idiot ever seen a child in a Third World country die of a disease that no longer cripples children in industrialised nations? I'm not a doctor and I never claimed to be, but even I know that his "science" (for lack of a better term- wait! Quackery! That's it!) is extremely flawed.

"Year of the Pig" ads banned in China? Ban THIS!

Selective coverage. Oh yeah.

Holy cow!

I could have told you this.

This is what's needed. I can't understand why Holocaust denial is allowed to run rampant in some groups. It is an historical fact and a tragedy. I remember seeing "Schindler's List" with my brother. There were kids our age laughing at the violence within the movie, despite being warned to shut up. These are the same idiots who could not care less about any human tragedy. Unfortunately, there is no website for empathy.

Who is the State- or the Crown, for that matter- to tell people how to discipline their kids? Abuse is one thing, discipline is something else. Common sense should dictate things, not sentiment or pop psychology.

And this is all the mews that's fit to print.


Anonymous said...

OY...this discipline thing makes me so angry. What about the kids whos scars are on the inside?
There are plenty of children who are yelled at constantly, locked in rooms, malnourished, never hugged or kissed, never nurtured, and suffer serious emotionally abuse. Who's gonna bust those parents?

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

What you are speaking of are extreme cases of abuse. There are laws, if not the will, against them. I think it should be up to the parents to decide how a child should be disciplined (withon reason, of course). Not every parent who spanks a child is a monster just as not every child who is spanked grow up to be deviant.

Anonymous said...

People think current protests against the Pope has to do with his comments regarding a certain caliphate. An Al Qaeda plot to kill JP2 was foiled in the Phillipines. The moslem hatred for the Papacy is deep-rooted. Remember the title of B16's only encyclical: God is Love. Maybe they should read it....

Anonymous said...

With all the inhumane things that China does, they're concerned about offending muslims? They're installing sewage, lights and repairing roads in Beijing for the Olympics. Don't the officials think that this might offend the impoverished millions? And what of pro-democracy websites that are banned? Does this offend freedom fighters?

Anonymous said...

The whole issue over pig images in China really appalled me. Just turned my stomach. And the nerve of the government to state that "China is a nation of many ethnicities"...bull-freakin-shit. China is a nation of CHINESE. And Islam is not an ethnicity, it's a religion. I can't believe the Chinese government would bend over for Muslims, while they jail Christians for selling bibles. UNBELIEVABLE.

What the world is coming to.