Wednesday, July 25, 2007


For the briefest time, the press was forced to be interested in the sad fate of a Korean national gunned down by the Taliban. The interest has soon waned in favour of Lindsay Lohan as she is the pinnacle of Western civilisation right now. I'm not saying this to be cute. Apparently, she is. Why else would no one be disgusted by the murder of a Korean Christian by a heartless band of roving lunatics whose idea of a good time is to gun down teachers and students?
Maybe I just answered my own question.
Anyway, Korea should find its inner stones and increase its military presence in the area. Let the world know that they will not be shaken down by a pack of morons. That is, I believe, part of what is going on, just as a medical staff was recently freed from captivity in Libya. Canadian and American soldiers are doing their jobs in Afghanistan. The Taliban are losing men and material and cannot recruit children fast enough. That, and the whole idea that a Christian would give himself whole-heartedly to a cause not including death must sicken an illiterate murderer. Literacy and generosity must make the Taliban extremely self-conscious.
The time for pressure is now. This time, it is South Korea's turn to do the heavy lifting.

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