Thursday, October 04, 2007

Blog II: the Return of the Killer Blog

.... this time, it's for money!

It's been a while since I've blogged last. The Korean hostage situation came to a satisfactory end if you were one of the surviving hostages and the generously paid Taliban. I've since moved from South Korea and am enjoying some down time. In that time, there has been so much to blog about (I will reserve my reflections on Korea until a later time.

The Ontario election: this political horse race promises to keep or remove funding from faith-based schools. All sides are showing their aptitude for horse crap. One word: vouchers. The State- nor the Crown, for that matter, - has no place in telling parents how to educate their children and I'll be damned if I'm going to fund this. Give parents the power to educate their kids as they see fit.

HPV Vaccine: A man without insurance doesn't burn down his house. As cavalier and maybe heartless as this analogy may sound, a girl without this somewhat effective vaccine might think twice about engaging in the only behaviour that spreads HPV. Probably not seeing as she is still a CHILD and should not be getting moral advice from a public health nurse, let alone a possibly injurious needle shot in a chaotic school gym (yes, that is a very sanitary place to get an injection). The fact that this is being given to young girls in school gyms or delapitated nurses' stations without proper screening or information doesn't seem to bother many. Nor does the fact that is it being administered for free not register for anyone. A parent who chooses to get this vaccine for their daughter will have to pay $400 if administered in a doctor's office. I thought saving lives was for free. Oh! That's only if it works. Catholic schools who refuse to take part in this are seen as heartless but really, does it make sense to promote abstinence and then offer a randomly effective vaccine? It's like telling someone to go on a diet before a rib-eating contest. Why bother?
Here are the facts. Make up your own minds.

Ahmadinejad and Columbia University: One of the most insane ideas ever entertained was done last week when the tenured useful idiots at Columbia University invited Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak with much fanfare and even more controversy. Why anyone would want to hear out this Holocaust-denying, maniacal weapons-mongerer for the sake of "dialogue" is beyond me. "Dialogue" doesn't work with people like Ahmadinejad. The West has coddled him and made him a media icon. Bravo.

Hollywood: Nope. Not gonna blog on their stupidity. Not gonna do it. Not today.

Whew! So much stuff!

Maybe later.


Anonymous said...

I predict adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine within the next few years. People have not learned from recent history of the efficacy of certain drugs. This one is still in it's experimental phase, from my understanding.
School system: the Catholic board, as it now stands, is far from Catholic. I wish it would collapse but not at the risk of funding Jihadist schools. Must be a better solution...

Anonymous said...

I find it very disturbing how the public school system is "giving this vaccine" to girls as young as 12.
What's more disturbing is the passive attitude so many parents have about the schools their kids are spending 6 hours a day in.
More parents need to be pro-active within the public school system... to actually READ and investigate that tiny paragraph in the "October newsletter" stating that the *vaccine* will be administered on October 16th.

The public school system has no business over-riding the moral/health standards of parents. It's time for parents to stand up, take responsibility, and stop acting as if teachers and public health nurses with needles can take the place of healthy parenting, instilling values and educating our own kids about sex.
...just saying.