Tuesday, June 01, 2010

A Post, For It Is Tuesday

What kind of peace activists hit a trained soldier with metal bars and then throw the aforementioned soldier overboard?

Nominal Catholics are the hypocrites Jesus warned us about, be they well-paid civil servants or American politicians whose wide gaze is reminiscent of a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car:

(WARNING: Please turn from your keyboard to prevent vomitus from soiling and ultimately ruining it.)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says she believes she must pursue public policies "in keeping with the values" of Jesus Christ, "The Word made Flesh."

Pelosi, who is a Catholic and who favors legalized abortion, voted against the ban on partial-birth abortion that was enacted into law in 2003.

At a May 6 Catholic Community Conference on Capitol Hill, the speaker said: “They ask me all the time, ‘What is your favorite this? What is your favorite that? What is your favorite that?’ And one time, ‘What is your favorite word?’ And I said, ‘My favorite word? That is really easy. My favorite word is the Word, is the Word. And that is everything. It says it all for us. And you know the biblical reference, you know the Gospel reference of the Word.”

Who does Mrs. Pelosi think she is fooling? Seriously? How does her muculent pandering, blasphemy and outright refusal to adhere to the Church's God-guided principles better serve the Christian electorate? Is the reference to the Logos an effort to forget how slimy she is because it's not working on me.

For Ezra Levant (the awesome one):

So what do we have here?

The obvious: Anti-Christian bigotry remains an acceptable form of intolerance in Canadian politics, and this bigotry has infected the parties of the left.

The mainstream media, and indeed the rest of the political establishment, ignores or even approves of this (CBC's Evan Solomon being a noteworthy exception).

Like Marci McDonald's book about Christians, Mr. Duceppe's comments are error-ridden and hysterical. For example, Duceppe implied that the meeting was for Conservatives only. But one of the MPs who attended is Mario Silva -- a Liberal MP who just happens to be gay. Lemme guess: That just proves how diabolical Opus Dei's master plan must be!

It's one thing for Messrs. Martin and Duceppe and Ms. Mc-Donald to dislike Christians. But what's new -- and disturbing -- is that this once-passive intolerance is becoming active: There is a concerted effort to name Christians and drive them out of office, to delegitimize the very idea of Christians participating in public life.

It's an attack on Canada's pluralism and religious freedom. It's unfair and it's un-Canadian. We'd never accept it if it were targeting any other religious group. So why is it OK to pick on Christians?

Indeed. Let the pundits be bold and substitute the word "Christian" with "Muslim", "Mohammad" or "gay" and see what happens. This has nothing to do with legitimate criticism or even occasional and tiresome rudeness but hitting a soft target because one can.

Let me stress- there is NO Illuminati, shadow government or right-wing Christian conservative conspiracy. Sometimes a white whale is really just a white whale.

Jesus and Ezra Levant- a tag-team of awesomeness.

Thousands of francophones across Canada are believed to have taken part in a co-ordinated attempt to manipulate the 2006 Census in order to guarantee federal funding of programs for French speakers.

Okay. Now let's use public money to make the lying parties learn- oh- Korean. Why not? It's a lovely language with a simple alphabet. Then tack on Russian grammar which I can personally attest is like driving nails into one's head. Don't get me wrong. Russian, too, is a lovely language, but the grammar will kill you, as surely as the Kursk (blame Putin for that one if you want). My point is that if the rest of Canada has to pay for linguistic and cultural minorities, we should be able to waste their time and cause them great consternation. But really- learn Korean and Russian. It's time you did something for you.

South Korea goads North Korea in some fashion:

South Korea staged war games near the border with North Korea yesterday as tensions continued over the North's sinking of one of its warships, the Cheonan, with the loss of 46 lives. Thousands of South Korean troops took part in the military exercise to thwart a simulated attack by North Korea along a river just south of the border. The show of military strength included about 50 tanks and armoured vehicles, which crossed a floating bridge backed by dozens of attack helicopters and self-propelled guns. Numerous countries have condemned the North for the sinking in the Yellow Sea, one of the worst military attacks on the South since the 1950-53 Korean War.

If they really want to goad North Korea, nuclearise and threaten to fire-bomb Beijing.

If I may take but a fragment of this article:

At a press conference last Wednesday in Quebec City, Cardinal Marc Ouellet of Quebec City and Archbishop Terrence Prendergast of Ottawa spoke about the need for governments to lend a hand to pregnant women who want to have their babies. How completely radical.

There are private citizens who do help pregnant women in need, whether they are finding clothing or apartments. In short, these private citizens are doing what a nanny-state won't do.

Just my thoughts.

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