Friday, June 25, 2010

Speaking of Thugs...

Look at these morons.

The people in this picture are identified as Harsha Wahlia and Syed Hussan. They’re “environmental activists.” They’re promoting their cause by giving the finger to some Toronto cop who’s doing his best to ignore them (and doing a pretty good job of it, it appears.) Most people are happy to have the cops around. They don’t make the rules, they just enforce them. So giving them the finger achieves nothing, other than to make the “activists” look like morons. Which Harsha and Syed pretty succeed at. Ask yourself: Are you really going to embrace a cause backed by two people who can’t think of any other way of communicating their message than to stand in the street and give the finger to a bored cop?

So when these two twits go back to their squatters' village or suburban retreat or wherever they make themselves as useless as possible, this cop gets paid enormous amounts of overtime. For having to deal with these losers, those are tax dollars well-spent.

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