Friday, September 14, 2012

The World Is Taking Crazy Pills (Pt. 10)

We’re teetering off the edge of sanity.

Had Canadians killed an American ambassador, would the American government- even the Obama administration whose hate-on for Canada cannot be mistaken- be so quick to beg them- as they did the Muslim Brotherhood, in whatever incarnations they choose to represent themselves- for forgiveness?


Montreal would be nuked by morning.

Oh, it gets better, by which I mean crazier:

As we noted earlier, it didn’t take long for US liberals to angrily assign blame for the horrific Tuesday terror attacks at the US Embassy in Cairo and the US Consulate in Libya that left four Americans dead.  Public Enemy Number One was not the Islamic rioters themselves but instead the Coptic Christian filmmaker Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, who was outed today by the Associated Press and other media outlets who are also in a mad dash to shift the blame away from the murderers.  Why?  Because to the mainstream media, it seems that it’s more important to understand the underlying motivations of those who “insult Islam” than the underlying motivations of radical Islamic fundamentalists who rape, torture, bury alive, and murder those who either “disobey” or categorically reject the Islamic religion.

Also blamed today? Controversial pastor Terry Jones, who supports the film and who, like filmmaker Nakoula, is receiving death threats.

Sadly, this “shift the blame” tactic is one engaged in as well by liberal feminists who falsely claim to be the voice of women all across America.  (In reality, their “pro-women” stance is selective and only applies to like-minded individuals within their group, not conservative women.)

How have some feminists and liberal women reacted to the brutal terror attacks that have taken place this week in the name of the same type of radical Islam that views women as third-class citizens?  Predictably…

Just read the tweets (RE: dunce cap).

These people are a flavour of crazy unto themselves. Tape tinfoil to their heads to see where this will lead.

How many distinctions are made between civilised people who take freely given offenses with stride and the easily offended and very volatile? Do any of the apologists care about freedom of speech, religion, congress or even life?

If the deaths of nearly three thousand people on September 11th, 2001 alone did not awaken the West to the brutality and logical discord of Islamism then what can one say? The murder of an American ambassador certainly isn’t going to cut it, either.

Enjoy living on your knees, idiots.

Abolish teachers’ unions:

Keeping aside how actions like genocide and unfair discrimination hardly need politically correct euphemisms to soften their terrible blows, inclusive language mocks the English language (in particular) not only of its richness and etymology but its exactness and thus serves to unfairly discriminate by robbing one of one’s identity, status and circumstances, creates the onus on the speaker to come up with cumbersome and superfluous language with which to communicate one’s ideas, posits untrue assumptions and ultimately serves to browbeat everyone into silence because nobody wants to be “that guy”. “A person of the Korean community”? Inside the Korean Peninsula, where would that be? What is his role in society? Where does he rank in the workplace or in his family? Those distinctions matter, leftists. Why did you offend the good Korean people? Do you hate them?

(insert head-spinning of lefty self-flagellant here)

Maybe you should just shut up.

Ladies and gentlemen, Patsy Cline.

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