Tuesday, June 04, 2024

It Was Never About a Virus

But it was about money:

It should be bigger news that Dr. Anthony Fauci has admittedthat social-distancing guidelines — mandatory in many areas of the country during the pandemic, with non-compliant schools, businesses, and even churches shuttered — “sort of just appeared.” Likewise, there should have been a backlash after Fauci confessed that the public-health establishment misled the public about the efficacy of masking, and after he decided to use arbitrary “herd immunity” thresholds as a vehicle to manipulate the public into behaving in ways he found advantageous. These bombshells washed over the country, in part, because the arbiters of national political discourse were and, in some ways, remain more invested in Fauci as a symbol of elite technocracy than in the public well-being his imperiousness was meant to serve. …

By December, with precious relevance rapidly slipping away, Fauci advocated putting the country on a permanent mid-pandemic footing, compelling the federal government to introduce open-ended masking mandates in places where it could claim that authority, like airplanes. “I don’t think so,” Fauci replied when asked if there would “ever” be a time when masking on aircraft was once again optional. “Even though you have a good filtration system,” he continued, “I think that masks are still a prudent thing to do, and we should be doing it.” Fortunately, Fauci was ignored.

Fauci’s mistake was to assume that the adulation he received was a function of his own merit. He leaned into the worship he received, operating perhaps under the delusion that his flatterers saw him as something more than an instrument of immediate political utility.


Bombshell testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci reveals he made up the six foot social distancing rule and other measures to 'protect' Americans from covid.

Republicans put out the full transcript of their sit down interview with Fauci from January just days before his highly-anticipated public testimony on Monday. 

They plan to grill him about covid restrictions he put in place, that he admitted didn't do much to 'slow the spread' of the virus. 

Kids' learning loss and social setbacks have been well documented, with one National Institute of Health (NIH) study calling the impact of mask use on students' literacy and learning 'very negative.'

And the impacts from social distancing caused 'depression, generalized anxiety, acute stress, and intrusive thoughts,' another NIH study found.  ...

Recently they have discovered that Fauci's former top aide, Dr. David Morens, routinely conducted work on his personal email account and deleted files to avoid government transparency laws under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). 

His disregard for FOIA requests was so blatant that be bragged in emails to colleagues that he learned how to make official correspondence 'disappear' and that he would delete things he didn't 'want to see in the New York Times.'

Emails from Morens uncovered by the committee further revealed that he boasted about having a 'secret back channel' to Fauci where he could clandestinely communicate with the former NIAID director. 

That revelation shocked the committee's chairman Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, so thoroughly that he demanded Fauci turnover his personal email and phone records to the investigative body.

Also shocking, is Fauci's admission to the committee in January that he 'never' looks at the grants that he signed off on, some of which total to millions of taxpayer dollars. 

'You know, technically, I sign off on each council, but I don't see the grants and what they are. I never look at what grants are there,' he told the committee's counsel. 

Further, he said he was 'not certain' that foreign labs that receive U.S. grant money, such as the WIV - which was studying coronaviruses using U.S. taxpayer dollars at the time the pandemic began - operate at the same standards of American labs. 

Fauci also said that the money he gave out as a part of the NIAID grant process did not go through any national security reviews. 


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